Ask the Author: Catherine Stine

“I wrote a mermaid book and it launches on March 15! Do you like books about mermaids or set in beach towns?” Catherine Stine

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Catherine Stine The Sleuths of Shadow Salon urban fantasy detective thriller series I'm working on now came out of a few things... the baby born at the end of my book Secrets of the Mermaid (Luna, a winged mermaid), and the baby born at the end of my book Alpha's Revenge (Celestine, a witch and wolf shifter) were so cool that I had the idea to have them team up in their mid-twenties as detectives down in Savannah, Georgia (one of my fave places) and solve supernatural crimes!!! I'm having big fun writing this, and have 2 books out so far. Check out Guardian of Monsters, book 1, and Theater of Curses, book 2. Book 3, Cult of the Covens will be out in fall 2024!
Catherine Stine Ooh, any number of things! Who some of my ancestors were in old Philadelphia. How I survived anorexia and moving into a commune my last year of high school. What my life was like going to art school and living in a former shoe factory (no heat and hot water on weekends!!!) with other artists and writers. Why I switched from art to writing. Where on earth I get my wild imagination from and how I come up with plot twists and fantastical magic. That's a mystery that I can't even answer!!!
Catherine Stine I've always been a big reader and I've always written tales and illustrated them. The two books that lit a bonfire under me were CS Lewis's The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles.
Catherine Stine I'm polishing up a witch book set in Philadelphia in 1854. Hoping to launch it in the dead of winter 2020.
Catherine Stine Keep writing. Don't rush into publishing too soon. Get into a good writing group, where you can workshop your chapters.
Catherine Stine I pounded on his door, but he did not answer. Letting myself in I discovered him dead in his favorite chair.
Catherine Stine I like dark historical fantasies, so maybe a gothic horror set in England, Germany or Ireland.
Catherine Stine Oh, wow, it's fall now! For the spooky season I love witch books.
Catherine Stine Hi Manuel, I just finished the draft of my next witch novel. It's been a long time coming, but it's a good one!!! It's set in 1854 in Philadelphia in the Eastern State Penitentiary, and my witch is an animal mage. It isn't out yet, but I wanted to give you a heads up.
Catherine Stine I love using my imagination! I love to think up quirky characters, charismatic but dangerous villains, and steamy love triangles. I get wicked fun in creating plot twists that no one sees coming. It's a wonderful, heady feeling to create a world, an entire novel enlivened with people. And I dearly love the writing community.
Catherine Stine I don't have writer's block. When I am stuck on a plot snag, I simply wait it out until I come up with a solution. And when I finish a novel draft, I always take a break to refresh. That said, I am not as fast a writer as many indies are these days! I am getting faster, though. LOL.

The secret to pushing past "writer's block" can often be to sit down and write.
Catherine Stine Yes, new adult fiction does seem to be holding as a real sub-genre of fiction. NA is targeted for the 18 to 28 year-old audience, though many adults read it too! It got its start with successful NA indie authors, such as Abbi Glines and Tammara Webber, and has been popular enough to attract traditional publishers such as Harper Collins.

Most NA novels so far have been set in contemporary and college settings. As with any growing trend though, the NA market is expanding to new territories--to fantasy, historical and even sci-fi. One constant hallmark is a focus on romance, or the love interest, though the "steam" levels can vary a lot.

I have a new adult series called The Art of Love (written as Kitsy Clare), which is set in the NYC art world with new art school graduates. I am now working on a paranormal historical, set in 1932. So, I would love to see the boundaries of NA grow!

Some say it has taken the place of chick lit, which focused on the twenty-something market. The bottom line is that yes, it is a "thing" but who knows how it will evolve? It will be fun to watch.

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