Christian Edwards

Breaking News Writer, CNN Digital Worldwide

Christian Edwards is a breaking news writer for CNN Digital Worldwide, based in London.


Christian Edwards is a breaking news writer for CNN Digital Worldwide, based in London. He reports on stories from the United Kingdom, Europe and occasionally the Middle East. His writing explores the ideas and context driving major world events, from the rise of the far right in Europe to how international law governs conflicts.

Edwards has extensively covered Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and has reported on how Moscow’s war has stoked old enmities in Europe’s formerly communist eastern flank.

He reported from Georgia on the government’s attempts to introduce a Kremlin-style “foreign agent” law, covered flare ups between Serbia and Kosovo and led CNN’s coverage of the Armenian exodus from Nagorno-Karabakh.

Edwards has also covered elections in the UK, France and the European Union.

He joined CNN as an intern in 2022 and became a staff writer the following year. He previously wrote for the Financial Times and the Times of London, and was the recipient of a Fellowship from the Hudson Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC.

Edwards has a degree in English Literature from the University of Oxford and a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the London School of Economics.