CNN  — 

The odds have risen for former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to suspend their presidential campaigns by January 1, 2016, according to CNN’s Political Prediction Market.

CNN has a partnership with a company called Pivit for the Political Prediction Market, which is a live online prediction game that factors polls and other factors, including input from online players.

The change in the Political Prediction Market comes after the announcement from Fox Business that the two candidates did not qualify for Tuesday’s prime-time debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, making them the first 2016 top-tier candidates to be moved to the undercard debate.

Additionally, former New York Governor George Pataki and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham did not qualify for the undercard debate at all, so this will be the first 2016 debate that neither participates in.

Huckabee’s odds to suspend his campaign were at 61% and then rose to 76% after Fox Business made the announcement.

RELATED: Fox Business debate: Christie, Huckabee bumped from main stage

Christie’s odds before the announcement were at 66% and are now at 81% to suspend by January 1.

Both of their odds to drop out before January 1 have been on the rise over the past week.

mike huckabee chris christie debates

The Political Prediction Market is not to be confused with polls by real voters. In a CNN/ORC poll released Friday, Donald Trump and Ben Carson were leading the field in Iowa.

The poll found Trump with 25% support among Republicans and Carson with 23%. Meanwhile, Christie has 3% support from voters and Huckabee gathered 2% support.

Jennifer Agiesta contributed to this report.