9th Meeting of the Signatory States

The location on the map is approximate!

The 9th Meeting of Signatory States (MOS9) to the IOSEA Marine Turtle MOU will take place from 24-27 June 2024 in Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania. The Marine Parks and Reserve Unit of the Government of Tanzania has generously offered to host the conference at the White Sands Resort & Conference Centre.


To register for the meeting, please follow the instructions on the online registration page: https://meetings.cms.int/meetings/MOS9/registration.

Please register as soon as possible.

Submission of Documents

a) National Reports

In accordance with paragraph 8 of the Actions specified in the MOU, Signatories should provide to the Secretariat a regular report on their implementation of this Memorandum of Understanding. The Secretariat will shortly contact all National Focal Points regarding their access to the questionnaire in the Online Reporting System.

Please note that the extended and final deadline for submission of national reports through the Online Reporting System will be 30 April 2024. Reports submitted late will be made available to the meeting, but will not be included in the analysis.

b) Other documents

Signatories, AC Members or Observers wishing to submit documents are encouraged to inform the Secretariat as early as possible, and submit their final version in Word format by 25 April 2024 (extended deadline).


To be eligible to take an active part in the meeting, representatives of Signatory States must provide credentials, signed by either the Head of State, Head of Government, Minister of Foreign Affairs, or the Minister or Deputy of the focal Ministry/Authority for the MOU. These credentials should enable them to participate and represent their governments fully. Signatories may wish to use the sample Letter of Credentials available below (under "Other Documents") as a model.

All Signatories are requested to submit copies of their credentials to the Secretariat prior to the meeting to allow efficient processing by the Secretariat. Originals must be brought to the meeting.

Signing the Memorandum

There will be opportunity for non-Signatory Range States to sign the MOU during the meeting. Representatives of States wishing to do so need to present an Instrument of Full Powers (sample available under "Other Documents" below).

In the interest of efficient processing by the Secretariat, a copy of the Instrument of Full Powers must be submitted prior to the meeting. Originals must be brought to the meeting.

Hotel reservations and airport transfers

Participants, including funded delegates, are requested to make their own hotel bookings. Detailed information about the booking code to use for reservations at the conference venue, airport transfers and other relevant travel information is contained in the Participant Fact Sheet available under "Other Documents" below.


Optional excursions will be offered on 28 June, with two choices available. Registered participants should have received an email with details, asking them to make their choice in an online poll by 9 June. If you have not received this email but would like to join the excursion, please contact the Secretariat.

24 Jun 2024
CMS InstrumentIOSEA Marine Turtles
CountryUnited Republic of Tanzania
CityDar es Salaam
VenueWhite Sands Resort & Conference Centre

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Download all files of this section in
Number Title Files
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.4.1/Rev.4 Provisional Agenda and Documents
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.4.2/Rev.1 Provisional Annotated Agenda and Schedule
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.6.1 Implementation of the Work Programme 2020-2024
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.6.3 Analysis of National Reports

document not available

CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.7.1 Draft Work Programme 2024-2028
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.7.2 Capacity-Building Strategy
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.7.3 National Networks
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.8.1.2 Proposals for Inclusion into the Network of Sites of Importance for Marine Turtles in the Indian Ocean South-East Asia Region
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc. Proposals for Inclusion into the Network of Sites of Importance for Marine Turtles in the Indian Ocean South-East Asia Region: Al Qurm Protected Area, United Arab Emirates
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc. Proposals for Inclusion into the Network of Sites of Importance for Marine Turtles in the Indian Ocean South-East Asia Region: Cox’s Bazar Coast, Bangladesh
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc. Proposals for Inclusion into the Network of Sites of Importance for Marine Turtles in the Indian Ocean South-East Asia Region: Sharma, Jathmoun & Dhargum, Yemen
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc. Proposals for Inclusion into the Network of Sites of Importance for Marine Turtles in the Indian Ocean South-East Asia Region: Khore Omiera, Yemen
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.8.2 Beach Management and Hatchery Practices
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.8.3 Critical Habitat
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.8.4/Rev.1 Illegal Take and Trade
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.8.5 Single Species Action Plan for the Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in South-East Asia and the Western Pacific Ocean Region
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.9 Partnerships and Collaboration
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.9.1 Convention on Migratory Species and Related Agreements
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.9.2 Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) and other RFMOs
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.10.2 Fact Sheets and Other Outreach Material
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.10.3 Lessons Learnt from World Sea Turtle Day 2021
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.11.1 Review of Income and Expenditures 2019-2024
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.11.2 Indicative Budget for 2025-2028
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.12.1 Revised Draft Terms of Reference for the Advisory Committee
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.12.2 Advisory Committee Membership
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Doc.12.5 Key Performance Indicators
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Number Title Files
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Inf. Updates from Existing Sites: Bu Tinah Shoal, United Arab Emirates
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Inf. Updates from Existing Sites: iSimangaliso Wetland Park World Heritage Site, South Africa
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Inf. Updates from Existing Sites: Europa Island, France
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Inf. Updates from Existing Sites: Rufiji-Mafia Seascape, Tanzania
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Inf. Updates from Existing Sites: Con Dao National Park, Viet Nam
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Inf. Updates from Existing Sites: Aldabra Atoll, Seychelles
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Inf. Updates from Existing Sites: Sir Bu Nair Island, United Arab Emirates
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Inf. Updates from Existing Sites: Sheedvar Island, Iran
CMS/IOSEA/MOS9/Inf.9.3 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
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Number Title Files
Australia - National Report 2024
Bangladesh - National Report 2024
Cambodia - National Report 2024
Comoros - National Report 2024
Egypt - National Report 2024
Iran - National Report 2024
Jordan - National Report 2024
Kenya - National Report 2024
Madagascar - National Report 2024
Maldives - National Report 2024
Mozambique - National Report 2024
Myanmar - National Report 2024
Oman - National Report 2024
Pakistan - National Report 2024
Philippines - National Report 2024
Saudi Arabia - National Report 2024
Seychelles - National Report 2024
Thailand - National Report 2024
United Arab Emirates - National Report 2024
United States of America - National Report 2024
Yemen - National Report 2024
Viet Nam - National Report 2024