It Turns Out That The "Game Of Thrones" Showrunners Have A Cameo In The Same Scene With The Starbucks Cup...And They STILL Didn't Notice!

    Whoopsie indeed!

    OK, because you are an informed (and probably very sleep-deprived) Game of Thrones fan, by now you've already heard about the Starbucks cup seen around the world last night's episode.

    And Twitter, of course, is not pleased — 'cause come on, this whole season has a been a super detailed (and super expensive) production that they made us wait so long to see!!

    You're telling me they had TWO YEARS to put together a decent show and they couldn't even spot the goddamn Starbucks cup in Winterfell??!?! #GameOfThrones

    Twitter: @JennaGuillaume

    Felt like a failure today but then I saw that dozens of production and post-production crew failed to see that a Starbucks cup was left in a Game Of Thrones shot from their third to last episode ever & now I feel better.

    a starbucks cup had more scenes in season 8 than ghost had in season 7

    But this morning, Ellie Hall of BuzzFeed News noticed something even more notable for Game of Thrones, showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.

    OH MY GOD, the showrunners were literally in the same scene as the Starbucks cup.

    Twitter: @ellievhall

    Yup, you heard that correctly, the actual two people in charge of this entire show/our lives until May 19th did a cameo in THE SAME EXACT SCENE where the Starbucks cup appears...and they still didn't catch it!!!

    And honestly, I get it: there is a lot going on when you're the creators of the biggest television event in our modern time but like...this is not a great look, my dudes!

    And for the record, this isn't the first time that D&D show up in the show themselves — they also have a cameo in Season 5, Episode 6 as two of the faces in the Hall of Faces.

    HBO / Via

    Anyway. This is **mostly** just a thinly veiled outlet for expressing my frustrations about how Missandei deserved better, Jon is a bad dog owner, and the White Walkers are still stressing me I'll just leave you with this parting GIF and see you all on Sunday!!

    Need more Game of Thrones before next week's episode? Check out all our Game of Thrones coverage here.
