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  • Thread Starter kennypierce


    I should add that the Ken Pierce Media WordPress site also has this issue. Each site has had the Tumblr connection removed and re-added with the proper permissions. I am the sole administrator to these sites.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by kennypierce. Reason: Adding more information

    Running into the same visual on my pair of sites and so are a few other Bloggers I know.

    I also ran into an issue with this theme as of yesterday. I use it on both my and on to keep the sites related visually. Yesterday after noticing some plugin updates to Jetpack, I noticed that four of my Widgets were no longer in the places I assigned them on – They still “lived” on the PK site so I went into the Live Preview to fix the dilemma only to find that said widgets were no longer there.

    I’m stumped as I was using simple ones of Social Follows, the list of popular posts and a Twitter feed. Nothing really crazy. If anyone has ideas I’d love to hear what you think.

    Thread Starter kennypierce


    I am closing this topic as its sat idle with no answer for more than three weeks. A switch to a different theme from Raindrops allowed me to see the Preview Post while doing edits so I am hoping at some point an update to the theme will rectify the issue I was encountering. All plugins remained active and were not the cause. For now I will be using a different theme since my productivity was held back by this issue. I liked Raindrops but need to work easier.

    Thread Starter kennypierce


    Hello, thank you for this, I tried the change you advised but it doesn’t do anything. Please bear in mind, this plug in you reference was always at the default recommended settings. It always worked in the past with no issue and I keep the backend on the site as simple as possible.

    My hosting tested this and found the same result but when they changed my theme to something else with the same plugins they got the preview of an in progress post with no issue. There is something amiss with the theme as the Search Feature only brings up the homepage active post when a criteria is placed to be searched.

    Thanks for the help on this but I don’t think its anything I’ve done or not done at this point since I am just writing and posting. Not much else 🙂

    Thread Starter kennypierce


    Hey sorry for delay in replies, holiday time. Okay so more on this.

    I am using the latest version of Firefox and MS Edge. I do NOT use IE for any browsing and seldom even open the browser.

    I didn’t see anything in the Super Cache plugin that controlled the visual and for a testing measurement I disabled the plugin and tried again to do a “preview” of an in progress post. The same result happened and it opened up the latest live post to the website but with the “preview” notation above in the URL line.

    I then switched themes to the 2015 WP Theme with the super cache plugin activated once again. This allowed me to see the preview of the post I was drafting. A return to my Raindrops theme found the same issue manifesting.

    I am really confused as to what is going on here. Thanks for the insight.

    I’m encountering this issue with the “Disable Plugins” utility as well. While my WP site is in production, I am still doing a lot of redevelopment and adding its former versions content in. I don’t really want subscribers getting notified that a “new” post has gone up when its something that is several years old. Any assistance is great as this plugin seems very straightforward but I still see the emails going out.

    I’ve been getting the error for a few days myself, and have the latest version installed. Error reads.

    [Ga_Lib_Api_Request_Exception] There was an error while contacting Google API: { “error”: { “code”: 429, “message”: “Insufficient tokens for quota group and limit ‘AnalyticsDefaultGroupCLIENT_PROJECT-1d’ of service ‘’, using the limit by ID ‘207216681371’.”, “status”: “RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED”, “details”: [ { “@type”: “”, “links”: [ { “description”: “Google developer console API key”, “url”: “” } ] } ] } }

    Not sure the fix you mention has resolved this.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by kennypierce.
    Thread Starter kennypierce


    I just ran the update for this plug in and now ALL of my entries are gone. This is killing me in a sense since my readers hit my calendar all the time. I had no error message and yet there is no data whatsoever on my PiercingMetal site. Please help.

    Thread Starter kennypierce


    As far as the version, I update whenever WP tells me there is a new one and the latest I have is – my site uses the Raindrops Theme and I disabled all of the plugins outside of the security tools when this first happened. I have no option to install 4.2.2 as I write this. I have not swapped out the theme as this worked fine for months to no issue. The theme updates often and nothing else is compromised.

    The venue for “Saint Vitus Bar” was recreated and while its there again it does not let me select it at all and shows errors on those entries. See this link

    As I mentioned the entry of venue SVB is gone, this manifested when I went back into an old entry to add art that I wanted to use again and again (the venue logo). Not sure what my options are but would hate to move on from this software.

    Thread Starter kennypierce


    Thank you very much this worked out. It was set to show the “Avatar” and I was the only one with that. Now the names of the other writers and photographers show.

    Thread Starter kennypierce


    Just a follow up to this inquiry, it seems as though the moment I decided to work on my Add On domain site that it had gone down on the server side. The timing had made me think the plugin configuring caused it but that did not seem to be the case.

    Thread Starter kennypierce


    I’m sorry to be getting back to this so late but no, I meant the actual text of the events when you look at the larger calendar. This went away when I changed the page style but that in turn added a justification issue. This setting that is currently live is using

    Full Styles as the choice of Stylesheet
    Default Events Template

    When I had the justification issue by using another template I could see the text but now it barely shows. Its maddening and I am not a programmer type so code touching scares me.

    Thread Starter kennypierce


    Thanks George,

    Here is a link to my August calendar page and is you look on the entry for 8/28 you will see what I mean.

    It’s fine as a display window when readers scroll over it but at times there are entries that look like this. Its not all of them

    Thread Starter kennypierce


    Oh gosh I thought I had. Yoy can remove this from the queue.

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