• Big Site total crash – WordPress only works without any ocean related input. Well – What is Metabox… never used and complicated docs…

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by rainmatch.
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  • Plugin Contributor Marko OceanWP


    Hi @rainmatch,

    Apologies for the belated reply, we missed this fake review.
    You really can’t use Ocean Extra, nor its Metabox Settings, if you’re not using the OceanWP theme – which is explained in the plugin’s FAQ.

    I checked all your other reviews, and it seems you’re making it a habit of simply installing something (or not even that), then getting angry at it for whatever reason. Not to reflect on the language, nor the skill levels you’re basing the opinion on.

    The Metabox Settings feature is brilliant, and has detailed and comprehensive docs accompanied by images. But I do get it. I also got my mom in the past to read the instructions for the TV or VCR.

    Read the user documentation (any documentation), those are written for you (end users). People who wrote those docs actually know all of that and it’s done to save you time and help you get answers fast. And if you get stuck with something, you can always tend to support threads first

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