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www Versus non-www Domains

On websites, the www version of your domain address will always redirect to the non-www version. This guide explains why it is not possible to use ‘www’ (and why that’s a good thing!)

www Web Address Behavior

Anyone who types a site address such as will be redirected to the version without www (i.e., You cannot redirect a domain to www under any circumstances.

Visitors can still reach your site if they type ‘www’ and will always be redirected to the non-www version.

Why You Cannot Use WWW

There are several reasons why uses the non-www version and why this is better for your website’s performance.

Search Engines Require a Choice

Search engines like Google prefer one version of the site address as the canonical URL. Two URLs (the www and non-www versions) would appear as duplicate content, thus penalizing your site in search engine rankings.

In terms of SEO, there is no benefit to choosing either the www or the non-www version as long as the choice is made. On, we have chosen the non-www version as your domain’s canonical URL because it is the more modern option (as described in the next section of this guide).

By hosting your website on, we perform all the technical SEO optimizations for you, including setting the canonical URL. For practical steps you can take to improve your site’s search engine ranking, visit our guide to Optimize Your Website for Search Engines.

www is Old-Fashioned

The “www” is a legacy of how the internet used to work. It is no longer popular to include ‘www’ in a domain, and there is no technical benefit to including it either.

In fact, web browsers like Google Chrome no longer display www in the address bar, and companies do not typically include www when promoting their website. You can advertise your site with ‘www’ if that is your preference — we ensure people can still reach your site with ‘www’ by always redirecting to the non-www version.

Add www. to a Domain

For the reasons explained above, there is no setting to add the www prefix to a domain on It is not possible to add www. before a domain, nor would it benefit your website. If a visitor types www. before your domain, they will be redirected to your website’s non-www address.

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