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Query Loop Block

Use the Query Loop block to display blog posts (or other content types such as pages, testimonials, or projects) anywhere on your site. This block is similar to the Blog Posts block, but with greater flexibility to display your content using many different parameters and visual layouts. This guide will show you how to use it.

Add the Query Loop Block

The Query Loop block may already be added to your site from when you activated your theme. To add a new Query Loop block, click the + Block Inserter icon and search for “query”. Click it to add the block to the page, post, or template.


Using your keyboard, you can also type /query on a new line and press enter to quickly add a new Query Loop block.

For more information, visit our detailed instructions on adding blocks.

When you add the block for the first time, you can choose from different variations:

Whichever pattern or variation you choose at this stage, you can later customize the appearance using the settings described in the rest of this guide.

Query Loop Block Toolbar

When you click on the block, a toolbar of options will appear:

Query Loop block toolbar

The Query Loop block contains the following options in its toolbar:

Query Loop Block Settings

When you select a block, you will find additional block settings in the right sidebar. If you do not see the sidebar, you may need to click the Settings icon in the top-right corner to bring up the settings. This icon looks like a square with two uneven columns:

The settings icon in the Editor with a tooltip "Settings" below it.
Click the Settings icon to open the block settings


You can toggle the setting called Inner blocks use content width to the off or on position:

  • Off: Blocks inside the Query Loop block will fill the container’s width.
  • On: Customize the width and alignment for blocks inside the Query Loop block. Set a custom value for the regular width of the content and another value for blocks set to Wide width. You can also justify the content inside the Query Loop to the page’s left, center, or right.


By toggling on the Inherit query from template option, your content will be displayed using the default options. Turn it off to customize:

  • Post type: Choose to display posts, pages, testimonials, portfolio projects, or other custom post types that may be added via plugins (such as products via WooCommerce, for example.)
  • Order by: Order your content chronologically or alphabetically.
  • Sticky posts: Include or exclude sticky posts, or show only sticky posts.
  • Enhanced pagination: Toggle this on to allow navigation between different pages of posts without reloading the whole page.
Query Loop Block settings showing the "Inner blocks use content width" and "Inherit query from template" toggle options.


By default, all your post are shown. Using filters, you can narrow down the content displayed using specific criteria. To access the filter options, toggle off the Inherit query from template setting described in the previous section.

Next, click the three dots icon and select which filters you wish to use:

Additional filters may be added via plugins (such as product categories via WooCommerce, for example.)

The Filters setting shows boxes to narrow down by categories, tags, author, and keyword.


See the Advanced Settings guide for more.

Elements of the Query Loop Block

The Query Loop block includes many sub-blocks to give you even more control over how your content is displayed.

The example image below shows a Query Loop block used to display the Featured Image, Title, Date, Excerpt, and a Read More link:

Three featured images, with a blog post title, post date, excerpt, and read more link.

Using List View, you can more easily see the current structure of the blocks inside your Query Loop block. You can use List View to add, move, and remove the blocks as needed.

To view the list of blocks, select List View at the top of your screen. The icon looks like three horizontal lines above each other.

List view expanded to display the different blocks within the Query Loop.

The following blocks can be added inside the Query Loop block. While the blocks are named with the word “post”, they also apply to pages, portfolios, testimonials, and any other content you have chosen to display.

Your template may include some or all of these blocks. If any blocks are not included by default, you can add the block inside of the Query Loop block. If you want to remove a specific element from inside of the Query Loop block, you can remove the block. Below, you can read descriptions of each block.

Most blocks contain settings for Color, Typography, Dimensions, and Advanced. Additional settings unique to each block are explained below.

Title Block

The Title block will display the title of each piece of content you’ve published.

When you click on the block, a toolbar of options will appear:

the Post Title block's toolbar above the block.
Title block toolbar

The Title block has the following options in its toolbar:

Link Settings Sidebar

Enable “Make title a link” if you want the title to link to the content. Optionally, set the link to “Open in new tab”.

Date Block

The Date block will display the published date of each piece of content.

When you click on the block, a toolbar of options will appear:

the Post Date Block toolbar that appears above the Post Date block.
Date Block Toolbar

The Date block has the following options in its toolbar:

Format Settings Sidebar

Toggle off the Default format option to customize the date’s appearance. Enable Link to post to make the date a clickable link to the post. Optionally, display the date the post was last modified.

Modified Date Block

The Modified Date block will display the date when a post was last modified or edited. This can be ideal for news articles and other websites to track the latest changes.

When you toggle on the setting to “Display last modified date,” the Date block will convert into a Modified Date block. You can also add this block directly to your Query Loop using the block inserter, and you can display the post’s modified date separately in addition to the post’s published date.

Additionally, the Modified Date block has identical toolbar options and block settings as the Date block.

The sidebar settings area for a Post Modified Date block, where the "Display last modified date" option is toggled on.

Content Block

The Content block is an option if you want to display the entire content of each published post or page within the Query Loop block. You can learn more about the Content block in this guide.

Excerpt Block

The Excerpt block will display an excerpt for each published piece of content. Type the text you want to display for the “Read More” link at the bottom of the Excerpt block.

When you click on the block, a toolbar of options will appear:

The Post Excerpt block toolbar that appears above the Post Excerpt block.
Excerpt block toolbar

The Excerpt block has the following options in its toolbar:

Excerpt Settings Sidebar

Show link on new line. Enable this toggle to have the “read more” link appear in a new line after the excerpt. Disabling this toggle will place the “read more” link right after the last word in the excerpt.

Max number of words. You can adjust the number of words in the excerpt from the default 55 words to a minimum of 10 words or up to a maximum of 100 words.

You can also modify the default Add “read more” link text by clicking on it at the bottom of the excerpt and typing your custom “read more” prompt.

The Featured Image block will display the featured image you’ve set for your content. Click here for more information on setting a featured image.

When you click on the block, a toolbar of options will appear:

the Post Featured Image block toolbar.
Featured Image block toolbar

The Featured Image block has the following options in its toolbar:

Settings Sidebar

Toggle the option “Link to Post” to link the image the image to the published content. This is toggled off by default. When toggled on, you’ll also have the option to set the link to open in a new tab.

In the block settings sidebar, click on the Styles icon to access the design settings for the block. The Styles icon is in the shape of a circle with half of the circle filled in:

An arrow points to the Styles icon that you can click to open up the block styles section.

The Featured Image block includes Styles settings for:

Categories Block

The Categories block will display the categories you’ve assigned to your published content. Click here to learn more about Categories.

When you click on the block, a toolbar of options will appear:

The post Categories block toolbar that appears above the block.
Categories block toolbar

The Categories block has the following options in its toolbar:

Tags Block

The Tags block will display the tags you added to your content. Click here to learn more about Tags.

When you click on the block, a toolbar of options will appear:

The post Tags block toolbar that appears above the block.
Tags block toolbar

The Tags block has the following options in its toolbar:

Pagination (Previous Post and Next Post)

Use the Pagination block to display links to the previous and next posts. The Pagination block consists of three blocks: PreviousPage Numbers, and Next:

The Pagination block

To add pagination to a Query Loop block, take the following steps:

  1. From the List View, expand the Query Loop block and select Post Template:
Post Template is selected underneath Query Loop.
Post Template block, shown via List View
  1. Click the ellipses (three dots) next to Post Template and select “Add after“.
  2. Click the + block inserter and search for “Pagination“. Click it to add it to the template.
  3. Adjust the settings in the sidebar as desired. These include the orientation, color, and whether to display an arrow or chevron symbol with the pagination link.
  4. Click the “Save” button to apply your changes.

Author Block

Use the Author block to display post author details such as name, avatar, and bio.

When you click on the block, a toolbar of options will appear:

The Post Author block toolbar that appears above the block.
Author block toolbar

The Author block has the following options in its toolbar:

Author Settings Sidebar

Author selection from drop-down menu, toggle avatar visibility, avatar size, and show or hide author bio.

Author Biography Block

Use the Author Biography block to display the author biography.

When you click on the block, a toolbar of options will appear:

The Post Author Biography block toolbar that appears above the block.
Author Biography block toolbar

The Author Biography block has the following options in its toolbar:

No Results block

The No Results block can be used to add text or blocks that will display when the query returns no results.

When you click on the block, a toolbar of options will appear:

The No results block toolbar that appears above the block.
No results block toolbar

The No Results block has the following options in its toolbar:

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