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Add Email Subscriptions to Your Blog

With our Newsletter features, readers can subscribe to your website or blog and receive email notifications about new posts you publish. This guide will show you how to send email updates to your readers.

Newsletter Overview

Every site includes Newsletter — the ability to send new posts via email to subscribers. With Newsletter, you can:

Readers who subscribe by adding their email addresses will be notified whenever you publish new posts, allowing you to reach and grow your audience with your content.

Encourage Visitors to Subscribe

On, any reader can follow (subscribe to) your blog to receive an email whenever you publish a new post.

There are several tools you can use to encourage readers to subscribe to your site:

The layout says "subscribe to our newsletter" in white text on a black background, with a box to input an email address to the right of the text.
A Newsletter Subscription block pattern

People logged into a account can also subscribe to your site by clicking the Subscribe button in their action bar. Readers without a account can click the Follow button and input their email address instead. This feature is enabled on all sites by default, so there’s no action you need to take to activate it.

The Subscribe button

Learn More About Newsletters

Our dedicated guides will help you learn how to send emails to your subscribers:

Send Newsletter Emails to Subscribers

This guide covers how to send newsletter emails to your subscribers. You’ll learn how to create, schedule, and manage email notifications for your posts, as well as preview emails before sending them out.

Modify the Appearance of Newsletter Emails

This guide explains how to control the appearance of newsletter emails sent to your subscribers. You’ll learn how to adjust the email content and preview your emails before they go out.

Manage Your Subscribers

Each time you publish a new post, your subscribers receive an update via email, in their Reader, or both depending on their settings. This guide will explain how to manage your site’s subscribers.

Newsletter Settings

In your website’s Newsletter Settings, you can manage the emails sent from your site to readers. This guide will explain each setting.

Create a Paid Newsletter

You can earn income from your site by publishing content as a newsletter your site visitors can read with a paid subscription. This guide will show you how to set up a paid newsletter on

Import Subscribers

Use the subscriber importer to quickly import your email subscribers from another platform. This guide will show you how to import a CSV file of your subscribers so that they’ll be notified each time you publish a post on

Disable Newsletter Emails

If you prefer not to send newsletter email notifications for specific posts or want to disable them altogether, this guide provides the steps to do so.

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