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Change the Order of Your Posts

Blog posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, with the newest post first. This guide explains different methods to change the default order and arrange your blog posts differently so you can choose the method most suitable for your blog. This includes reversing the default order of posts and displaying them from oldest to newest or arranging them alphabetically.

Reverse the Order of Blog Posts

If your blog posts are displayed on your site using either the Query Loop block or the Latest Posts block, you can reverse the default newest to oldest order in that block’s settings.

Reorder Posts Using a Query Loop Block

In a block theme, posts are typically displayed in chronological order (newest first) using the Query Loop block. To change the order of your posts with this method, take the following steps:

  1. Visit your site’s dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Appearance → Editor.
  3. Click on the “Templates” option in the left sidebar.
  4. Select the template used to display your posts (often the homepage or Index template) and edit it.
  5. Open the List View and select the existing Query Loop Block.
  6. In the Query Loop block settings on the right, locate the “ORDER BY” drop-down box. If this doesn’t show, ensure the “Query Type” is set to the “custom” option.
  7. In the “ORDER BY” drop-down box, choose from the following options:
    • “Oldest to newest” to reverse the order of blog posts.
    • “A → Z” option to display posts alphabetically.
    • “Z → A” option to display posts in reverse alphabetical order.
  8. Click the “Save” button at the top right to save the page with the updated order of blog posts.

You can also create a new template and add a Query Loop block to display posts in your preferred order.

Reorder Posts Using a Latest Posts Block

You can also display blog posts using the Latest Posts block. To change the order of your posts with this method, take the following steps:

  1. Visit your site’s dashboard.
  2. Click on Pages on the left side and identify the page displaying your blog posts.
  3. Click on the page title to open it in the page editor.
  4. Open the List View and select the Latest Posts block.
  5. In the Latest Posts block settings, locate the “ORDER BY” drop-down box.
  6. In the “ORDER BY” drop-down box, choose from:
    • “Oldest to newest” to reverse the order of blog posts.
    • “A → Z” option to display posts alphabetically.
    • “Z → A” option to display posts in reverse alphabetical order.
  7. Click the “Save” button at the top right to save the page with the updated order of blog posts.

You can also create a new page and add a Latest Posts block to display posts in your preferred order.

Add a String to Your URLs

If you have a classic theme, and therefore can’t use the block options shared above, you can reverse the order of posts on default archive pages by adding the ?order=asc string to URLs.

To reverse the order of posts on archive pages on your blog, follow these steps:

  1. Find the URL of the archive page for posts you wish to display chronologically. You can choose your whole blog feed, a specific year, month, or even a tag. Your URL should look something like this:
    • Whole blog feed:
    • Posts for an entire year:
    • Posts for a specific month:
    • Posts for a specific category:
  2. Add ?order=asc at the end of your URL, like in these examples:
    • Whole blog feed:
    • Posts for an entire year:
    • Posts for a specific month:
    • Posts for a specific category:
  3. Visit pages at the updated URLs ending with ?order=asc to see all the posts displayed from oldest to newest.
  4. Optional: Add the URL to your site’s menu.

You can load a random post on a blog by adding ?random to the end of your site’s URL:

Swap the Order of Blog Posts

You can selectively swap the order of specific posts by changing the date and time that post was published. You can edit an already-published post and set any date in the past or future.

To change the date and time of a post:

  1. Visit your dashboard.
  2. Click on Posts on the left and select any post to edit it.
  3. In the post settings on the right, look for the “Publish” option.
  4. Click the date displayed to open the calendar view.
  5. Choose the new date and/or time.
  6. Click the “Save” button.

Let’s say you have two posts published at 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. on a particular day. The 4 p.m. post is displayed at the top because it’s the most recent. You can change the 4 p.m. post to an earlier time, such as 2 p.m., to move it below the 3 p.m. post.

The scheduling calendar is shown.

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