
Quick and Easy FAQs

Truly a quick and easy way to add FAQs to your site.
Last updated
July 23, 2024
Active installations
Quick and Easy FAQs

This plugin provides a quick and easy way add FAQs using custom post type and later on displaying those FAQs using Gutenberg Blocks or shortcodes. For details, Please consult the documentation below.


  • Easily add FAQs using FAQ custom post type.
  • Display FAQs in simple list style, accordion style or toggle style.
  • Display FAQs in groups.
  • Display FAQs in filterable groups.
  • Display FAQs in sorted order by title or date.
  • Settings page to customize colors and other stuff.
  • Custom CSS box in settings page to override default styles.
  • Translation Ready ( Comes with POT file and PO & MO translation files for few main languages )
  • RTL ( Right to Left Language ) Support
  • Support for Visual Composer Plugin


  • [faqs] Display all FAQs in simple list style.

  • [faqs limit="5"] Display limited number of FAQs.

  • [faqs order="ASC" orderby="title"] Display all FAQs in simple list style and order by ascending title.

  • [faqs order="DESC" orderby="title"] Display all FAQs in simple list style and order by descending title.

  • [faqs style="grouped"] Display all FAQs in simple list style that are separated by groups.

  • [faqs filter="true"] Display FAQs in simple list style that are filterable by all available groups.

  • [faqs filter="group-slug,another-group-slug"] Display FAQs in simple list style that are filterable by only given group slugs.

  • [faqs style="toggle"] Display all FAQs in toggle style.

  • [faqs style="toggle" filter="true"] Display all FAQs in toggle style and filterable by all available groups.

  • [faqs style="toggle-grouped"] Display all FAQs in toggle style and grouped by all available groups.

  • [faqs style="toggle" order="ASC" orderby="title"] Display all FAQs in toggle style and order by ascending title.

  • [faqs style="toggle" order="DESC" orderby="title"] Display all FAQs in toggle style and order by descending title.

  • [faqs style="accordion"] Display all FAQs in accordion style.

  • [faqs style="accordion" filter="true"] Display all FAQs in accordion style and filterable by all available groups.

  • [faqs style="accordion-grouped"] Display all FAQs in accordion style and grouped by all available groups.

  • [faqs style="accordion" order="ASC" orderby="title"] Display all FAQs in accordion style and order by ascending title.

  • [faqs style="accordion" order="DESC" orderby="title"] Display all FAQs in accordion style and order by descending title.


Freeon Business plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.