On Spec Magazine #125 VOL 33 No 3

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Volume 33 No 3 issue of On Spec Magazine.

This issue features short stories by Antony Paschos (A Fairytale for Sofie”), R. Keelan (“Oh Exemplary Restraint: So Rare in the Modern World!”), Pascal Raud (“The Chameleon”), Carolyn Watson (“The Trombone, The Pianist, The Four-Wheeler , and the Zombies”), A.J. Wells (“The Written Future”), A. Reid Johnson (Alien Anthropologist”), Lorina Stephens (“The Keening of a Sparrow”), Brendy Tremayne (“Folklore”), and Fiona Moore (“And If Venice IS Sinking”). Poetry by Renee Cronley (“The Sisters Three”), M.W. Irving (“Letter to a Brother on a Generation ship”), Crystal Sidell (“soliloquies under division”), and Angel Leal (“Under the Protection of a Long-Living Fungus”). Interview with Carolyn Watson by Roberta Laurie. Cover by Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk and Steve Fahnestalk. Interview with Lynne and SteveFahnestalk by Cat McDonald. Editorial by Diane L. Walton. Cartoon and featured ‘bot by Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk, with photography by Steve Fahnestalk.

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