Black Static #65

Andy Cox et al.

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This issue contains new cutting edge horror fiction by Ian Muneshwar, Timothy Mudie, E. Catherine Tobler, Carole Johnstone & Chris Kelso, Kailee Pedersen, Matt Thompson, and Cody Goodfellow. The cover art is ‘Dream On’ by Joachim Luetke, and interior illustrations are by Richard Wagner, Joachim Luetke, Vincent Sammy, Dave Senecal, and Warwick Fraser-Coombe. Regular features: Into the Woods by Ralph Robert Moore; Notes from the Borderland by Lynda E. Rucker; Case Notes book reviews by Nina Allan (includes interview with Catriona Ward), Georgina Bruce (includes interview with Carly Holmes), Mike O’Driscoll, Laura Mauro, Daniel Carpenter, and David Surface; Blood Spectrum film reviews by Gary Couzens.

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