Amid the ongoing surge in streaming content and viewing, how can marketers effectively cut through the clutter and reach audiences for their newest shows and movies?

The Variety Streaming Room panel “Breakthrough Marketing to Streaming Audiences,” presented by Vizio, hosted several top marketing executives who shared their best practices and strategic thinking about making an impact in today’s crowded market.

Speaking on the panel were Sean Booker, director of media and entertainment at Vizio; Amy Wigler, VP of multiplatform marketing and content for PBS; Vikki Neil, EVP of global brand and originals at Discovery; Puja Vohra, EVP of marketing and strategy for Showtime Networks; and Jonathan Saba, chief content officer for Saban Films. The session was moderated by Variety New York digital editor Todd Spangler.

Vohra shared that her team at Showtime works closely with the creators and producers of their shows to really understand what makes the show “tick,” ultimately making lots of quick decisions more on the fly than before.

“What do we think the important hooks are?” she explained. “Who are you actually going after? Where is this content going to resonate? And then really think very, very deeply about best times to go out: what kinds of content to go out with it, what platforms to use, what to say on each of those platforms, how to judge how that content is being evaluated, how it’s piquing interest or not.”

Discovery’s Neil spoke to the importance of brand recognition and clarity for the audience, placing the emphasis more on the streaming service than the title in order to optimize reception but still relying on “the same principles” they always have.

Ultimately, as marketers look toward the future, their objectives may only become more difficult to execute, according to PBS’s Wigler, who predicts there will be no pullback in terms of content generation.

The good news for the industry? “We have the world’s attention,” Wigler said. “There has never been a better time to be in our business. I can’t imagine a time where there’s so much content that I am dying to see.”

Watch the full conversation above.