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AfD Statistics for User:LessHeard vanU

These statistics were compiled by an automated process, and may contain errors or omissions due to the wide variety of styles with which people cast votes at AfD. Any result fields which contain "UNDETERMINED" were not able to be parsed, and should be examined manually.

Vote totals

Total number of unique AfD pages edited by LessHeard vanU: 40
Analyzed the last 40 AfD pages edited by this user.
Show pages without detected votes The remaining 12 pages had no discernible vote by this user.

Voting matrix

This table compares the user's votes to the way the AfD eventually closed. The only AfD's included in this matrix are those that have already closed, where both the vote and result could be reliably determined. Results are across the top, and the user's votes down the side. Green cells indicate "matches", meaning that the user's vote matched (or closely resembled) the way the AfD eventually closed, whereas red cells indicate that the vote and the end result did not match.

K 10 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
D 1 5 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
SK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
R 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Abbreviation key:
K = Keep
D = Delete
SK = Speedy Keep
SD = Speedy Delete
M = Merge
R = Redirect
T = Transwiki
U = Userfy/Draftify
NC = No Consensus

Number of AfD's where vote matched result (green cells): 22 (84.6%)
Number of AfD's where vote didn't match result (red cells): 2 (7.7%)
Number of AfD's where result was "No Consensus" (yellow cells): 2 (7.7%)
Without considering "No Consensus" results, 91.7% of AfD's were matches and 8.3% of AfD's were not.

Individual AfD's

Next 500 AfD's →
Page Vote date Vote Result
La venta inn February 1, 2023 Keep Keep
List of cultural references in The Cantos May 23, 2022 Keep Keep
Blenheim Palace in film and media April 16, 2022 Keep Keep
Emma Gilham Page (2nd nomination) August 5, 2019 Redirect Redirect
Geographic.org May 11, 2011 Delete UNDETERMINED
Macedonian language August 15, 2010 Keep Speedy Keep
Cornish Democrats April 25, 2010 Delete Delete
David Herbert (artist) March 27, 2010 Delete Keep
Nicholas Beale (5th nomination) January 15, 2010 Delete Delete[1]
Sister Vincenza Taffarel (2nd nomination) January 12, 2010 Keep Keep
Gary Wilkerson October 3, 2009 Delete Delete
Florida State Road 600A (2nd nomination) September 17, 2009 Delete Redirect
Brad Sugars June 13, 2009 Redirect Delete
Nicholas Beale (3rd nomination) June 4, 2009 Delete Delete
Tom goff March 20, 2009 Delete Speedy Delete
Marie-Rose Mueller November 10, 2007 Keep Keep
Asharid-apal-Ekur October 25, 2007 Keep Speedy Keep
Scientology and other religions August 29, 2007 Keep Keep
Paul is dead August 4, 2007 Keep Keep
Association of Video Professionals July 4, 2007 Delete Delete
Tangeline June 3, 2007 Keep Delete
Petronella Wyatt April 24, 2007 Keep Keep
Universities and antisemitism March 14, 2007 Keep Keep
Second album syndrome March 10, 2007 Merge Redirect
The Beatles trivia (3rd nomination) January 29, 2007 Keep UNDETERMINED
Jahbulon (3rd nomination) December 11, 2006 Keep Keep
George Smith (John Lennon) July 18, 2006 Keep No Consensus
The Beatles trivia July 16, 2006 Keep No Consensus
Next 500 AfD's →

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