
free palestine.

@fairuzfan / fairuzfan.tumblr.com

O u no,,,, vibin. I'm in my 20s. Palestinian. Call me Med. You can use pronouns. tme. zionists dni and also free palestine.

Posts on Learning about Palestine

I recommend checking out this list of links about Palestine either from me or other posts that I think are especially well said.

Note: I am less active these days.

Visit https://helpgazachildren.notion.site/ for more information!

I also do not verify fundraisers unless I explicitly post them.

Blinkies below the cut. Warning: gifs contain flashing colors and lights below read more

“A coalition of organizations that work with marginalized communities in Lebanon such as migrant workers are raising funds to provide support and assistance (food, medical supplies, pads, diapers) to the various communities. Please share and donate.”

I'm taking a break from tumblr but I just came on here to put a link to the Anti-Racism Movement of Lebanon to help African Migrant Workers part of the Kafala system (modern day slavery) who were left behind by their employers who fled. In some cases, their employers locked them in their houses and told them to watch after their belongings while the neighborhoods were literally being bombed and took their passports so the workers can't even flee Lebanon back to their homelands. The workers have also consistently been facing prejudice and racism — everytime they try to find shelter, they're kicked out because they're not Lebanese.

The Anti Racism Movement of Lebanon (@armlebanon on instagram) is trying to find ways to help these communities. Here is their account and a place where they're fundraising to try and help the Migrant workers.


While we’re at it, let’s talk about the implications of how people dehumanise Palestinians because of their lack of fluency in English


SCRATCHED. He used a box cutter to carve the N word on his skin... A BOX CUTTER. Then made claims they were best friends. The only black person on the swim team. The racist may no longer be a student but that is the class of which Gettysburg College accepts. Send your black children to HBCU's. White people have lost their fucking minds like a rabies virus.

"claims they were best friends" really is the salt in the wound. As if this was shits and giggles. As if this would be a good enough excuse- "oh we're friends, though!" "I'm not racist, it was a joke" type shit. As you carved 'nigger' onto him. Onto his body, that even if it heals, will heal into a permanent slur. It shows exactly how you feel about his and every other Black person's humanity. How the fuck do you say something like that after committing such a sickening action.

Not to mention, the statement barely even mentioned the student! The victim in this whole thing, and all they could say is "well we don't condone this, we're proud of our captains, it doesn't reflect the swim team!" Okay well apparently it does because multiple of your members felt safe enough to commit a violent hate crime soooo....


I'm to the point where if I hear you're endorsing/voting for Kamala Harris and you're publicly getting mad at people for not voting for her, I'm not even going to listen what you have to say, you've made it clear you have to strong principles to guide your decisions beyond "what's worse for me personally?" I think Harris voters have no actual ideologies to live by, despite claiming they do, and I fundamentally don't respect them for it. It's one thing to be angry at people who won't vote for Harris, but it's another thing to pretend you're doing it because you have some sort of moral authority and not basing it off pure selfishness. You think that solidarity is posting about things and that's it. You refuse to make yourself uncomfortable, even momentarily. And you get mad at people who are willing to go through discomfort for the sake of others. You call them names, ans claim that THEY are the selfish ones in this scenario. You've given up on making a change in the world for the better, or maybe you were never interested in it. All of your arguments pale in comparison to reality, because Harris is actively funding a genocide. She has even refused to acknowledge a reality in which she does not fund that genocide. Has made such a thing clearer and clearer. All my problems here in the imperial core are secondary to that. I'm about to go through multiple personal issues that are made increasingly hard by political factors and I still think that's nothing in comparison to what Palestinians and Lebanese are going through overseas. You've placed yourselves as the ultimate victims in the world and to me it's laughable and completely out of touch with just how fucked everyone else is because of the imperial beast that is Amerikkka. And speak nothing of the way the victims of Amerikkkan imperialism on Turtle Island bear the brunt of societies' woes for your personal comfort and refusal to make any meaningful change. Not ev baby steps! You think trump is an accidental anomaly and not a product of a larger issue within white amerikkkan politics. Is it not shocking to you that so many people here are voting for trump so enthusiastically?

Seeing things like the weaponization of personal identity, like "Muslims for Harris," used so plainly is an insult to the ideas of internationalism that you all claim to follow. What use is solidarity with the victims of imperialism if you refuse to acknowledge the entirety of the imperial complex? That includes the democrats you hold so dear as well as the Republicans? What use is any of this if you only think for yourself?

You claim to be thinking of others, and that's why you vote for Harris... but what is so incomprehensible to me is the comfort in which you accept the inevitability of Palestinian deaths. Why are you so willing to accept that reality? Why are you comfortable with that reality? It shocks me and disgusts me in a way that I can not really describe. You lot argue and argue and argue, but in the end, the difference between you and me is that I refuse to engage in a reality where Palestinians must die in any case. You have yet to refuse that. In actuality, you all refuse the baby steps, the bare minimum, of refusal to engage in continuation of that reality. And because of that, I do not take you seriously, nor do I view you as being moral in your decision to sacrifice Palestinians.

This is garbage. I'm voting with my friends and mentors who have been doing deportation defense and death row appeals for decades, because I trust their judgment on the value of electoral politics, and I'm not taking any advice on morality or honesty from anyone who says that *they* lack principles or only think about themselves. That's moronic. And what an unconscious self-indictment, that you can only justify your own decision to ignore myriad human rights catastrophes here and around the world by insisting that *nobody who advocates voting Democratic has any principles at all.* Keep doubling down on this patently false assertion if it makes you feel better about your own principles in action, I guess. The rest of us can see the desperation, and it doesn't look anything like strength of character.

Ok thanks. I hope you know that you're excusing genocide. That's not a deal breaker for you. You're accepted genocide as a reality. And that's on you.


Biden campaigned on ending federal death row and he never has! There's around 44 people on federal death row that Biden could commute their sentence and close the federal death row facility in Indiana but he refuses to. Biden also refuses to close Guantanamo bay, where there's still people there who've never had any trial or charges against them.

Biden also has the same inhumane border policies as trump I dont think people realize how far right they've become when the border wall is now seen as fine as long as a Democrat does it. It still harms indigenous communities and the environment and is inhumane to everyone. he had to have a court order border patrol to feed migrants who were stuck in camps where they weren't allowed to leave and had to rely on volunteers for essentials. Biden also ordered that asylum seekers are no longer allowed to come in if they aren't within the first 1500 people, this is horrific and asylum seeking is a human right Biden is enforcing be removed. Kamala Harris is campaigning on more border patrol officers and more inhumane border policies! She's fighting with trump over who can be more inhumane to immigrants!


I recommend reading this entire piece, but some notable excerpts about the Moroccan quarter and the Western Wall pre- and post-1967. All information comes from the above website and does not represent my own research.

Documentation from [the 12th century] establishes that “Maghrebi” was defined as immigrants from western Tunisia, Algiers, and Morocco.6 In practice, this meant that any Maghrebi person who wished to reside in the quarter would be welcomed.7
In the 16th century, the Ottoman sultan Suleiman I (also referred to as Suleiman the Magnificent) opened a narrow space between the quarter’s perimeter and the Western Wall in order for Jews to be able to pray there.13 This space, a narrow corridor about 120 square meters in size,14 accommodated roughly 12,000 worshippers per day during the British Mandate period.15 [Photo above from 1900]

I include this passage to note that Jewish worshipers were allowed access to the Western Wall long before 1967. The Zionist seizure and demolition of this area was about ownership, not access. In 1967, Israeli seized Jerusalem, Golan, Gaza, the West Bank, and Sinai. Among many atrocities and violations of the Geneva Convention done during the Naksa, one that many westerners do not know about is the destruction of the Moroccan quarter and its conversion into the empty Western Wall plaza of today.

In the first decades of the 20th century, as the Zionist movement took root, tensions began rising over the rights of Jews and Muslims to the wall and the narrow corridor in front of it. Even before that, as early as 1887, Baron de Rothchild proposed to buy the entire quarter and demolish it to replace it with a plaza.18 
[Photo from the 1967 demolition of the Moroccan quarter] Testimony of Isshaq Aweida: "The entire neighborhood was full of houses, and people felt depressed because these houses weren’t just their property, but also the property of their ancestors, from 800 years ago—or more . . . Anyone who saw the situation at that time would get emotional and sad. I saw people while they were leaving with their belongings to Shu‘fat [refugee] camp. It was a big crime committed against these people after the 1967 War. They gave immediate orders for us to leave our house and take our belongings . . . They told us to take everything as fast as possible because we didn’t have time. Some people took their stuff like crazies and just stormed out of their houses. In an unbelievable way. It was “quick, quick—haul your things and get out, yalla, quickly quickly” . . . They didn’t let anyone stay. They emptied the entire neighborhood in a heartbeat. They took this decision in a very barbaric way.63"
At least one elderly woman was acknowledged by the authorities to have been killed in her home, although residents say she was not the only one.67 Her name was al-Hajja Rasmiyya ‘Ali Taba‘ki.

This demolition was done so quickly and secretively that we may never know the true human cost. Either way, anyone who prays in this plaza walks across the rubble of a multicultural Jerusalem city that Israel has tried to write out of history.

The contractors, for their part, were so intoxicated with their assignment that at 3 a.m. that same night, they founded the “Order of the Kotel,” because they felt they were “carrying out a great mission for the Jewish people.” Later they wrote about themselves that they were “a sort of imitation of an order of knights for those who ‘purified the Kotel plaza for the people of Israel.’”57 One of the contractors shared: “I was sky-high; it was a pleasure.”58 They had reunions for decades after.

Final note and recommendation, also from this website:

In the Israel documentary short Mugrabi Quarter (2013, 7.5 min) below, directed by Anat Ronco, Benvenisti was filmed returning for a very awkward encounter with one of the few surviving residents of the quarter who still lives there, al-Hajj Muhammad ‘Abd al-Jalil ‘Abed al-Maludi. Following the encounter, when pressed by the filmmaker, Benvenisti acknowledges this act of destruction as an “original sin.”

Watch this short film here (7.5 mins, English subtitles)

I highly recommend reading through this entire page and the entire Jerusalem Story Project website.



C*shap: $powerstranger

v*nmo: powerstranger

Remaking the post cus aid has slowed on the post and she is still needs all of our support. Pls if you can, I know we are all stretched thin as a community but this is urgent. They have already been attacked, but thanks to yall she has been able to maintain a space and have a couple nights of rest without fear of another attack so far. They will need support to once again find a space so please donate, pls boost, and pls if you know any resources in the nyc area I can push to her lmk 💜💜 Nothing is too little where it comes to helping to keep a Black trans woman safe



أنا يحيى من غزة، وعندي أطفال صغار. أتمنى أن تتمكنوا من مشاركة حملتي لإنقاذ أطفالي من هذه الحرب.



To my followers. This is a legitimate fundraiser. Please don't hesitate to share and donate.

This is Yahya Bkheet. His a father who has three beautiful children he is trying to provide for in war-torn Gaza. He is looking to evacuate his family from Gaza to safety.

We should be outraged that the Vice President of an administration aiding an abetting the most documented genocide in human history can peacefully run for office. That is a sham. That is embarrassing. Especially when that person has stated they do not plan on enforcing any sort of concession from the murderous Israeli regime. There has been absolutely no mention of the other human rights crises and violations happening elsewhere amongst the colonized world— the ongoing conflicts in across Black and Indigenous nations that we tend to tack onto Free Palestine to show we absolutely do care about Black people outside of Western imperial cores. haha. We have made no demands because we, the masses, have no demands outside of feeling like everything will be okay again. We don’t actually care about these people as people. We care about them as symbols of liberation and as litmus tests to prove we, in the hard times, would “do the right thing.” If we cared about them as people, submitting to someone still pleased to orchestrate their deaths, which VP Harris is doing right now, would be unthinkable. We would be using this time of mass disillusionment to destabilize the empire’s business as usual. We want spectacle more than we want actual liberation for ourselves or for the people that we say we are in solidarity with. It doesn’t make any sense.

Wait ismatu narrates their substack articles count me the fuck in I had no idea

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