Start Select Reset Zine – People Over Events

Issue #008 of Zine Start Select Reset went out today via snail mail to supporters subscribed at £5 a Month or above!


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Issue #008 of Start Select Reset Zine went out today via snail mail to supporters subscribed at £5 a month or above!

If you would like join the mailing list and receive an issue 4 times a year subscribe directly via stripe below!

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Issue #008

This zine’s text reflects on my relationship to ‘news’ this year and the collapse of the wider social media landscape. It’s about following peoples work rather than following events.

The interior of the issue contains my most ambitious linocut print yet. Fan art of the character Zuno from J David Osbornes cyberpunk series: God’s Fare No Better!

After making print stamps for Issue #006 I realised just how much I enjoy stamp making and linocutting. The process of designing, carving away the material is relaxing, and then to only discover how it’s going to turn out once you have committed it to print is one I find extremely satisfying. Especially in a digital world where you can noodle infinitely on things.

Linocutting and printing has become a bit of an ‘evening hobby’. Away from the internet, using ones hands. For this issue I learnt a lot about printing nearly 40 prints for subscribers in one evening! Mass production, where you only have one chance to get it right as there’s a zine printed on the other side is a whole different ballgame to messing about by oneself! Lots of lessons learned. Expect more prints in future issues.

This issue is now the third issue made and produced in the ‘new’ format: Front and back cover, 6 pages + full page internal sheet. As you can see in the photo below, I think I’ve found SSRZ’s design language now. Issues 007+008 look and feel rad together.

I say this every time I put a zine out, but sending real things to real people is the way to go. I just don’t understand Patreon and Substack rewards being ‘more email’. Social media is collapsing, and as I wrote in the first paper edition of the zine – We are returning to the real.

And a physical newsletter/zine doesn’t get any realer.

If you would like join the mailing list and receive an issue 4 times a year, subscribe directly above, or on my support page here

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