Start Select Reset Zine – Quiet Quests

Issue #007 of Zine Start Select Reset went out yesterday via sail mail to supporters subscribed at £5 a Month or above!


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Issue #007 of Start Select Reset Zine went out yesterday via sail mail to supporters subscribed at £5 a month or above!

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Issue #007

This issue is called Quiet Quests, and includes the rules to play a solo RPG / Lite-LARP crafted for workplace play. The game invites you to undertake a covert journey of compassion.

The game uses the time emails are recived as a RNG table to assign you your quests (zine Interior).

This issue marks the second issue made and produced in the new format: Front and back cover, 6 pages + full page internal sheet.

Each time I sit at my laptop with affinity designer open I learn something new. I mean, even the cover looks better on this issue than the last edition.

What I’m hoping for, long term is a consistent design and layout. I really like building up a collection of ‘things’ and they all feel like they are part of the same world. Especially with zines – made by the same person. etc

I say this every time I put a zine out, but I think that this is the way to go – at least for me. I just don’t understand Patreon and Substack rewards being ‘more email’. its baffling.

Social media is collapsing, and as I wrote in the first paper edition of the zine. We are returning to the real. A physical newsletter/zine doesn’t get any realer than that.

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  1. […] Source: Start Select Reset Zine – Quiet Quests – thejaymo […]

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