The Hill Articles: October 31, 2007

October 31
Weyant’s world: October 31, 2007 Mukasey punts on torture Reid looks to buy time on SCHIP Approps members scramble as Cochran mulls retirement Huckabee doubts Rudy will get nod Jailed Rice protester surprised by dearth of security at hearing Hatch donates to Doolittle’s defense Budget battle escalates between Bush and Dems House Democrats stall on FISA vote CBC members pummel Department of Justice official Pelosi calls for ouster of consumer-products regulator House leaders mull next step on anti-discrimination measure 1872 mining law triggers modern-day lobbying duel Physician groups seek quicker action on Medicare payment fix Politics, policy and presidential campaigns Rep. Frank warns Senate not to play TRIA ‘game’ House Dems expand workers’ aid bill to mitigate fallout from looming free-trade vote Lobbying world Special-election winner Broun fighting from behind vs. Fleming NCLB renewal faces long odds Looming crisis of long-term care High oil prices mean sanctions against Iran likely to have little impact Madame Speaker, Mr. Leader: Advice from a friend Blackguarding Blackwater Trade test Medical marijuana support is not just liberals’ province Tax policy turbulence What if the Iowa polls don’t change? When your mom’s your boss Rep. McHenry throws his back out Unfinished renovations say: don’t get too comfy Congress Must Focus on Aging Dam Infrastructure (Rep. John Salazar) This Film Is Rated “T” Clinton Demonstrated Grace under Fire (Rep. Marion Berry) Waxman demands White House Abramoff documents Clinton Proved Her Resilience Last Night (Rep. Albio Sires) Long-Term Fiscal Challenges Need Bipartisan and Immediate Solutions (Sen. Judd Gregg) Iraqi Government’s Progress Does Not Mirror U.S. Effort (Sen. Ben Nelson) USCP gives ‘all clear’ after Hart Building fire Clinton scores AFSCME endorsement Democrats expect additional gains in 2008 Senate buildings evacuated How Much Damage did Hillary Clinton do to her Presidential Campaign in the Philly debate? Nord Unfit to Regulate Consumer Safety (Sen. Sherrod Brown) You Don’t Really Think This About Ron Paul Davis criticizes Waxman over State Dept. IG probe McCain Promotes Role in Ending Corrupt Boeing Deal A Turning Point in Presidential Campaign ’08 (Rep. Artur Davis) New Findings Prove Need for Death Penalty Moratorium Retroactive Immunity Vital for FISA The Democrats Debate Hillary’s Bad Night Judiciary Committee sets Mukasey vote for Tuesday Congress Should Act to Rejuvenate CPSC GOP Do-Nothing Strategy Is Working