The Hill Articles: July 17, 2007

July 17
$7.5B earmarks unclaimed It’s Speaker vs. Peterson on farm bill That might be a sleuth at the table next to yours 10 of 24 Dems fail to meet cash targets Specter walks tightrope on Southwick nomination Weyant’s World: July 17, 2007 Vitter and wife address D.C. madam scandal Brown outpaces Doolittle in race for Calif. 4th district 9/11- related bill hits another snag Whitehead and Broun face off for Norwood’s seat Clinton, Obama and Elizabeth Edwards to address Planned Parenthood Reid threatens cloture unless GOP drops stand Leahy, Rockefeller are talking with administration on surveillance law Stevens gets second extension for filing finance report Renzi, Hastert, Lewis see sharp drops in 2nd-quarter fundraising McCain’s national, Iowa press staffs bail out of campaign So Comity’s not dead in Senate Both sides look for political gains in battle over SCHIP As own boss, ex-Armed Services aide draws on Hill, Pentagon experience U.A.E. may get U.S. help to fend off major lawsuit Bottom line Snoop city No impropriety on my part in the California land deal Cigarette taxes choke the poor The battle lost, McCain fights on Diet and Exercise: Female lawmakers offer the grim reality No Irish beer in Peterson’s office Intern of the Week: Rep. Hare’s intern mingles policymaking, midfielding 20 Questions: Arianna Huffington Levin Amendment Undercuts Any Chance for Success in Iraq (Sen. Lindsey Graham) Republicans Are Filibustering the Biggest Issue (Sen. Christopher Dodd) More Senators Want a Change of Course in Iraq (Sen. Amy Klobuchar) D.C.’s Fenty endorses Obama GOP welcomes back Vitter Republicans call for reprimand of Ellison Obama vows to look into High Court nominees’ ‘hearts’ Troops Must Be Allowed to Redeploy (Sen. Patty Murray) Floor Games (Sen. James Inhofe) All-Nighter Is a Stunt, But I’m Glad to Be Here (Sen. Mel Martinez) A Status Quo Farm Bill Is Simply Unjust Kerry: 60+ senators support change of course in Iraq HUD Bills Passed Last Night Benefit Rural Areas (Rep. Ruben Hinojosa) Tri-Caucus Minority Summit Will Address Health Disparities (Reps. Solis and Bordallo) Military Efforts Should Be Redirected to Help al-Qaeda Effort (Rep. Chris Van Hollen) Staying on in Iraq: An Inconvenient Truth No Religion Has Bragging Rights Spotlight: Defense Lobbying Wamp: Thompson is close to joining ’08 race Section 8 Voucher Reform Confronts Need for Affordable Housing (Rep. Jerrold Nadler) McCain: He’s Just Not That Into You Unfair Rules Pro-Growth Republicans Lowered Federal Deficit Below Projections (Rep. Pete Sessions) Monday Morning Quarterback: Digital TV Transition Increasing the Cigarette Tax to Fund SCHIP Is Counterintuitive