The Hill Articles: July 13, 2007

July 13
Hillary Clinton Creates Campaign Commercial Contest Dems grapple with ‘rich’ Key vote on the Iraq war keeps House GOP united Ethics groups blame AWOL McConnell Dems’ jurisdictional fights slow 9/11-related legislation Prayer protesters arrested in Senate Dems: Vitter a hypocrite for bid to prohibit same-sex marriage Nonprofit group cuts Pa. candidate’s salary in midst of scrutiny 2008 and counting: Times change on the trail Weyant’s World: July 13, 2007 Dems express reservations with bill on private equity ’08 Dems hit President Bush on al Qaeda report Finance, Banking panels’ fight clouds China currency picture Surgeon general nominee disavows previous views on gays Kelliher relishes role as chairman of the newly robust Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Thompson chastises Chertoff for ‘gut feeling’ terror comment Oversight More than $4M debt looms as NRCC chairman Cole enters crucial quarter Kudos to Coleman Libby ruckus exposes GOP’s failings, Sen. Clinton’s liability Untainted prosecution The never-ending story Indebleu Restaurant Briefs: Cruise cocktails Pulitzer winner tries to stand by her man What’s on your nightstand? – Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.) Speaking of books… House GOP tightens regulations for illegal immigrants Eliminate False Markets for Farmland (Rep. Adrian Smith) Will Kucinich, Gravel, Biden, Dodd and Paul Be Forced Out of Debates? Ask A.B. Black business group blasts Clinton’s AIDS stance It’s Time for You to Join the Debate ISG Recommendations Can Solve Many Iraq Problems at Once (Sen. Pete Domenici) DeMint Must Stop Blocking Lobbying and Ethics Reform To My Colleague Ron Christie, on the NAACP House Iraq Bill Undermines Petraeus (Rep. Joe Wilson) Latest Push for Change in Iraq Must Succeed (Rep. Maxine Waters) How a Tightly Run Ship Began Sinking A Strong Economy, A Weak Stomach With Just Ten Steps, We Can Transform Health Care (Sen. Mike Enzi) John Edwards Launches ‘Two Americas’ Poverty Campaign What Would the Levin Amendment Do? (Sen. Mitch McConnell) Low Carbon Economy Act Moves the U.S. in the Right Direction (Sen. Jeff Bingaman)