The Hill Articles: July 10, 2007

July 10
Terror Alert Raised to Pepto-Bismol Pink Pelosi lines up Iraq votes Business poised for CFIUS win Ex- convicts and addicts may get DoD clearance Democrats’ climate clash heads to floor Small physician group seeks to make large impact on Medicare payments Sen. Obama seizes on Live Earth in bid to woo environmentalists Executive privilege dispute intensifies GAO, union group still at odds on make-up of bargaining unit Franken outpaces Coleman in 2nd quarter Anti-poverty coalition hires Byrd aide Gavin Iraq Study Group plan puts Dems in defense-bill bind Weyant’s World: July 10, 2007 Way better than a high school career counselor: Phone number slip-up teaches valuable lesson Lawmakers scrutinize private equity industry Filippone: ‘Innovation doesn’t have to conflict with access to medicines’ Bottom line Watts puts primary marker down as Noriega enters Texas Senate race Heading home Drill for oil in small portion of Alaska wilderness refuge Reid’s moment, Lugar’s duty A treaty to sink, again The balance between power and prayer Q: Is former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) more actor or more politician? Italian wine and economics in the Senate Special Committee on Aging Bureacracy Is Blocking Gulf Coast Recovery (Sen. Mary Landrieu) Intern of the Week: First Metro ride ever for Texan aide Cheney’s Non-Legislative, Non-Executive Classification Is Arrogant (Sen. John Kerry) Bush names nephew to Pan Am Games delegation Why McCain Is Losing (Hint: It’s Not Iraq) Another Sad Milestone for the President’s Failed Iraq Policies (Rep. Lois Capps) We Must Continue Efforts to Deploy a European Missile Defense Site (Rep. Trent Franks) Missile Defense Should Respond to Iran’s Capabilities (Sen. Jeff Sessions) Gonzales hearing postponed AoC, union reach collective bargaining deal Trip to Iraq Revealed Tactical Momentum, Political Status Quo (Sen. Jack Reed) Flex Fuel Hybrid Vehicles Benefit Environment, Make US Energy Independent (Rep. Jerry Weller) Republican Obstructionism Must Stop (Sen. Claire McCaskill) Vitter out of sight, scandal not out of mind LaHood stays put Ensign gets Finance Committee seat Leahy ‘deeply disturbed’ by new Gonzales allegations Republicans Need to Stand Up to Bush on Iraq We Need To Change Direction In Iraq (Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones) Consumers Should Know Whether Food Has Been Irradiated Monday Morning Quarterback: No Child Left Behind Hillary as President Clinton presents plan to end Iraq war McCain says campaign goes on Campaign Memos Advertisements, Not News Stories On Iraq, A Shift in Message — Or a Lack Thereof A No-Win Situation McCain’s campaign manager resigns Iraqis Are Not Doing Enough for Their Country (Sen. Olympia Snowe) Live Earth Concert Was Anything But Lively George Bush’s Iraq Obsession: America Held Hostage Saving Planet Earth, 7 Bullet Points at a Time