
Nice #IndieWebCamp discussion session with Kevin Marks (@kevinmarks@indieweb.social @kevinmarks@xoxo.zone @kevinmarks) on the topic of auto-linking¹.

I’ve implemented an auto_link function² that handles quite a few use-cases of URLs (with or without http: or https:), @-name @-domain @-domain/path @-@-handles, hashtags(#), and footnotes(^).

Much of it is based on what I’ve seen work (or implemented) on sites and software, and some of it is based on logically extending how people are using text punctuation across various services.

It may be time for me to write-up an auto-link specification based on the algorithms I’ve come up with, implemented, and am using live on my site. All the algorithms work fully offline (none of them require querying a site for more info, whether well-known or otherwise), so they can be used in offline-first authoring/writing clients.

I have identified three logical chunks of auto-linking functionality, each of which has different constraints and potential needs for local to the linking context information (like hashtags need a default tagspace). Each would be a good section for a new specification. Each is used by this very post.

* URLs, @-s, and @-@-s
* # hashtags
* ^ footnotes

#IndieWeb #autoLink #hashtag #hashtags #footnote #footnotes

Previously, previously, previously:

* https://tantek.com/2024/070/t1/updated-auto-linking-mention-use-cases
* https://tantek.com/2023/100/t1/auto-linked-hashtags-federated
* https://tantek.com/2023/043/t1/footnotes-unicode-links
* https://tantek.com/2023/019/t5/reply-domain-above-address-and-silo


¹ https://indieweb.org/autolink
² https://github.com/tantek/cassis/blob/main/cassis.js

This is post 18 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts


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