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This article is non-canon within the canon continuity.

This article covers a subject from a Star Wars: Visions story that Lucasfilm declared is set in an alternate history within a reimagined galaxy.


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official non-canon information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"I sensed someone strong in the Force, but it's not you. Must be the other. No matter. Hunting the Vamga, it was not a challenge. But if I kill you, your master will surely show himself."
―The Elder[2]

A mission was undertaken by members of the Jedi Order to patrol the planet of Habo. When they arrived, locals informed Tajin Crosser that an old man had arrived at the planet and that he had explored the mountains himself. The Jedi searched for him and ultimately dueled the Elder, who used two lightsabers to initially knock out the Jedi apprentice, Dan G'vash and later engaged in a brief confrontation with Crosser, which showed more power in the Force, and therefore, was engaged with Force lightning. The Elder's efforts proved in vain, as Crosser ultimately defeated the old dark sider, however, the Elder used a self-destruct mechanism to destroy his ship, erasing all traces of himself, as he also turned to stone.[2]

The Mission[]


"Master, patrolling this area was postponed. That is, until you decided to go and volunteer us to do it. You seemed obsessed about getting back out here."
"Obsessed? Actually, I thought it would be good for you if we visited the Outer Rim."
―Tajin Crosser and Dan G'vash[2]
Dan Tajin ship

Dan and Tajin discuss their destination and goal

At some point between 832 BBY and 32 BBY,[1] Jedi Master Tajin Crosser and Padawan Dan G'vash were traveling through hyperspace to reach Habo, in the Outer Rim Territories, G'vash told his master at some point in the trip that he seemed obsessed to go to patrol the area, as it had been postponed and he had volunteered himself to do it. Crosser then dismissed his padawan's concerns and told him that he thought it would be nice for him to go to the Outer Rim—or so he thought—Dan told Crosser that the Outer Rim was different than what he expected, mentioning the lack of action and more peaceful nature of their mission as reasons. Crosser replied that misfortune was easy to overlook when it took place in peace. Suddenly, Crosser was hit by a disturbance in the Force. G'vash asked him if he sensed something, and Crosser explained that he felt a disturbance. He and G'vash dropped out of hyperspace, and the Padawan asked Crosser if he could still sense it, but he stated that he could not. Crosser asked G'vash if he had felt anything. Vash told him he had not and asked Crosser to describe what he had felt. Crosser described the disturbance as a sinister and ancient darkness. Dan theorized that it could be the Sith, but Crosser denied it because the Sith had been dead for hundreds of years. Despite this, he decided that they needed to investigate. G'vash declared that they would need to fight, but Crosser chastised his apprentice for being so eager to go to battle. After the two repeated a Jedi mantra, Crosser told G'vash that the nearest inhabited planet was Habo and that they should start their investigation there. G'vash commented that their mission would finally be more exciting than their normal patrolling, bothering Crosser.[2]

The Mission[]

"Better. It's been a while since I've come across an opponent so strong in the Force."
―The Elder to Tajin Crosser before their confrontation[2]

Crosser speaks with G'vash while observing the elder's ship.

Once on Habo, which Crosser had visited various times in the past, the two Jedi landed their ship in a field not far from a small farming village. G'vash noted the beautiful mountain ranges and said that he was going to like it there, and Crosser recommended he try the local dish Oon-Doon. As they approached the village, Crosser informed G'vash that the people of Habo were known to be shy and asked him to stay behind while he spoke with them. From two locals, Crosser learned that a mysterious elder from an unknown tribe had passed through a couple of days before and who had headed into the mountains alone. When Crosser returned to G'vash, he noticed that his Padawan had already encountered some Habo children. Crosser told G'vash about the old man, whose ship had landed elsewhere in the region. G'vash asked Crosser if the old man was the disturbance he had felt earlier, but Crosser was unsure. Dan questioned if they had been misdirected, but Crosser instead suggested that the old man was hiding his presence from them. Though he was troubled by the situation, Crosser decided that they would have to investigate whoever the elder was. Crosser disagreed with G'vash that they should head into the mountains after the old man and wanted to stay in the village and wait for him to reveal himself. G'vash proposed that they split up, with Crosser staying in the village and him going into the mountains. Crosser agreed to his plan but warned his Padawan about native creatures called Vamga and urged him to take a guide.[2]

While G'vash and his guides, the Habo children, traversed the mountain terrain, Crosser and the two village leaders went to the location of the old man's starship. Upon seeing the ship, Crosser contacted G'vash to tell him that, although he didn't recognize the model, he knew its design resembled ancient Sith vessels. G'vash asked if the old man was a Sith, but Crosser was unable to confirm or deny this and simply told his apprentice that he had a bad feeling. G'vash saw a dead Vamga nearby and told Crosser that its throat had been slashed by a lightsaber. Worried, Crosser ordered G'vash to return to the village. Before he could do so, G'vash was confronted by the elder. Sensing the old man take out a pair of lightsabers, Crosser told Dan to run, but the Padawan took out his own blade instead. Crosser began running up the mountain to find his apprentice. As he made his hasty ascent, Crosser felt G'vash being cut down with a cut to the abdomen by the old man. It began to rain, and Crosser continued to run up the mountainside.[2]


Tajin Crosser duels the elder on Habo.

When Crosser came across the old man, he found him sitting on a rock with G'vash's body in front of him. The elder told Tajin that it had been a long time since he had faced an opponent as strong as him, and the two readied their lightsabers. The two began dueling, and Crosser easily managed to gain the upper hand and use the old man's arrogance against him. Crosser destroyed one of the elder's lightsabers, enraging him. The elder reached out his hand and started generating lightning from his limb, which Crosser recognized as an ancient Sith technique. While Tajin used his lightsaber to deflect the lightning, the old man lifted his lightsaber to strike him down. Before he could deliver the blow, however, he was hit by G'vash's blade, which the still-alive G'vash sent hurling towards him using the Force. Using this distraction to his advantage, Crosser took his saber and ran it through the old man's chest. While Crosser ran to Dan to check on his apprentice, the dying elder used a remote to detonate his ship before crumbling into dust and ash.[2]


"It's the first time I've confronted such darkness. It was a terrible power he had. If I had fought him in his prime, the results may have been much different."
"However, you did defeat him, Master."
"No. What defeated the old man in the end was not me, but time. He couldn't win against the weakness that comes with age. No matter how powerful you become, know it will not last forever."
―Tajin Crosser and Dan G'vash[2]

Tajin and Dan speak after their encounter with the elder.

Crosser and G'vash stayed on Habo for some time afterward, during which Dan recovered from his injury. Following the duels, G'vash went to the village to see if the ship was still intact, but found that it had been completely destroyed. Without any way to find the identity of the old man, Crosser decided not to speculate on whether or not he was a Sith, but admitted that from what he said to G'vash he could have once been affiliated with them. Looking down on the remains of the elder, Crosser told G'vash that he had never confronted such darkness before and, had the old man been in his prime, the outcome would have been much different. G'vash countered that his master had defeated him, but Crosser denied his victory and stated that time and age had caught up to him and that his power would not last forever. G'vash asked Crosser if he was saying that power was meaningless, but Tajin explained that power could help those without it at the cost of impermanence. Crosser added that he too was growing less powerful with age and told G'vash that he would grow more powerful, but only if he remembered his training and his kindness. Down in the field below, the Habo children looked to Dan, and Crosser told him to say goodbye. As G'vrsh went to the children, Crosser looked to the remains of the elder and then gazed at the sky above.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The Mission to Habo appeared in the 2021 short film The Elder, the seventh episode of the animated anthology TV-series, Star Wars: Visions.[2]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Star Wars Anime Visions Will Include What Became of the Jedi, a Rock Opera, and More by Daniel Robson on IGN (archived from the original on September 22, 2021) establishes that the events of "The Elder" occur before Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which are dated to 32 BBY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. It also takes place hundreds of years after the Sith disappeared. As The Star Wars Book places the disappearance of the Sith a thousand years earlier, they disappeared in 1032 BBY, so "The Elder" takes place in 832 BBY at the earliest and 32 BBY at the latest.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 VisionsCite Star Wars: Visions — "The Elder"