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"The Neo-Crusaders smashed a Republic task force at Commenor and ravaged Duro in 3962 BBY—but that was as far as they would get."
―From Vilnau Teupt's "Industry, Honor, Savagery: Shaping the Mandalorian Soul," 24 ABY[2]

The Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders were in the midst of a war with the Republic that had been fought between them for several years. In 3962 BBY, the Mandalorians decided to push from their Outer Rim Territories to capture the Core World of Duro. They launched a two-pronged attack, which they dubbed Mandalorian Triumph, from their holdings, one of which was halted by a Republic victory at the Randon system, and another that successfully raided a large number of star systems before succeeding in taking Duro.

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Mandalorian Wars
(3976 BBY3960 BBY)
Galactic timeline

Previous: Great Sith War
(3996 BBY)

Concurrent: Kanz Disorders
(39703670 BBY)

Next: Jedi Civil War
(39593956 BBY)

Battles of the Mandalorian Wars
Outer Rim sieges
(39763964 BBY)
First Althir · Cathar · Corsin · First Azure
First Lianna · Makem · Quermia · Kaelta · Florn
Jaminere · Sy Myrth · Taskeed · Dennogra · Dernatine
Flashpoint Station · First Suurja · Second Suurja
Third Suurja · Fourth Suurja · Suurja ambush
Vanquo · Taris Siege · First Onderon
First Jebble · Serroco · Nouane · Dagary Minor
First Omonoth · Wayland · Second Omonoth · Myrkr
Thustra · Obroa · Second Jebble
Zongorlu · Ithor · Ord Mantell · Zabrak colonies
First Iridonia · Second Iridonia
Mandalorian Triumph
(3962 BBY)
Essien · Halthor · Phaedacomm · Dantooine
Charros · Randon · Eres III · Second Azure · Contruum
Gizer · Nazzri · Vena · Ambria · Zel
Commenor · Quellor · Exodeen · Duro
Republic counteroffensive
(39613960 BBY)
Second Taris · Second Althir
Vorzyd · Lucazec · Stenos · Elom
Jaga's Cluster · Second Onderon · Dxun
Second Lianna · Malachor V
Uncertain placement Bespin · Lantillies · Quelii
Related topics and articles
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