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"A team lead by Dr. Ils Ee apparently acquired a device called the Sharka'k Noor."
―Lecture by Doctor Corellia Antilles[1]

Ils Ee was an individual who held the degree of doctor[1] around 11 ABY.[2]

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Behind the scenes[]

Ils Ee was created for the article "From the Files of Corellia Antilles," written by Timothy O'Brien and published in the August 1997 Star Wars Adventure Journal 14.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 SWAJsmall "From the Files of Corellia Antilles" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 14
  2. "From the Files of Corellia Antilles," which mentions space traffic control sensors, is set "shortly after the re-establishment of the New Republic on Coruscant" following the final death of Galactic Emperor Palpatine, which is dated to 11 ABY by The New Essential Chronology.