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Daclif Gallamby

Daclif Gallamby, the last Diktat of Corellia

"The New Republic didn't want to arrest him. After all, the Diktat was the legal head of government."
Leia Organa Solo[1]

Diktat was the title held by the head of state of Corellia following the the abolition of the Corellian empire. The title was used during centuries but disappeared with the fall of the last Diktat, Daclif Gallamby, near the end of the Galactic Civil War.


"Please be courteous to the Diktat. He's a powerful man."
Lieutenant Jasper, to a spacer[2]

The Diktat was the elected executive of the government of the republic of Corellia. This individual was therefore responsible for the direct administration of the planet. In addition, the Diktat also served as Governor-General of the Corellian sector and, consequently, as the commander-in-chief of the Corellian Defense Force and director of the Corellian Security Force.[3]


The Coronet Capitol, the siege of the Office of the Diktat

Although the Diktat was the formal head-of-state of a constitutional monarchy, the regime had somehow evolved to a corporatocracy led by the boards of directors of the most powerful Corellian corporations, including Corellian Engineering Corporation, Corellia Mining Corporation and Gowix Computers. As such, the real power of the Diktat depended on the corporate powers managing the government, with some Diktats only serving as puppets on Corellia while other actively ruled the entire sector.[3] In any case, the duties of the Diktat included maximizing Corellia's footprint in shipbuilding and interstellar trade.[4]

The Diktat and its administration had their office in the Coronet Capitol,[2] in the Governmental Sector of Coronet City, Corellia. The Diktat resided in the majestic thousand-year-old Corona House, the former residence of the monarchs of Corellia.[3]

The Corellian Diktat could award the Medal for Distinguished Service.[5]


"The Corellian leaders stopped trusting their own people, and put more and more of the same sort of restrictions on them. And with the Imperial government propping up the Corellian Diktat—that's what they called their chief of state—the Diktat could do whatever he wanted without any fear of the people protesting."
―Leia Organa Solo[1]

The title of Diktat was created along with the establishment of a republic on Corellia following the dissolution of Corellian empire by its last king, Berethron e Solo,[3] in 312 BBY.[4] In the next centuries, many of the individuals who held this title died under suspicious circumstances.[6]

In the last years of the Galactic Republic, a woman named Shyla Merricope served as Diktat. During the Separatist Crisis, Diktat Merricope and Senator Garm Bel Iblis invoked Contemplanys Hermi to temporary withdraw the Corellian sector from the Galactic Republic and prevent the coming Clone Wars from harming the sector.[7]

At the time of the Declaration of a New Order, when the Galactic Republic transitioned into the Galactic Empire, the Corellian Diktat was Dupas Thomree. Thomree made an arrangement with Emperor Palpatine to maintain his regime and the independence of the Corellian sector.[8] Hence, the sector became an Imperial client state.[3] Dupas Thomree accepted to support Imperial galactic policies, pay taxes to the Empire and maintain the activity of the Corellian shipyards[8] to produce Imperial warships.[9] The Corellian sector remained officially independent and the Diktat saved its government but he became a puppet ruler who only controlled the administration of the planet Corellia. Although the Corellian Diktat kept the title of Governor-General of the Corellian sector, the sector and its Corellian Defense Force were de facto placed under the authority of the newly-appointed Grand Moff of the Corellian sector.[3] Indeed, this situation led the independent-minded people of Corellia to protests vigorously against the Diktat.[8] Over time, Diktat Dupas Thomree distanced himself from his populations and increased restrictions on freedom. With the full support and protection of the Empire, the Diktat became an autocrat who could do whatever he wanted without any concern of the population protesting. Moreover, the position of Diktat became a lifetime appointment; with each Diktat selecting himself his successor.[6] In the meantime, Imperial Security Bureau and COMPNOR agents infiltrated the Corellian society to ensure the Diktat respected his deal with the Emperor but also to eliminate any threat to the Diktat rule.[8]

When the Galactic Civil War erupted between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, Diktat Dupas Thomree accepted to provide Corellian military forces to the Empire. Dupas Thomree died not long after and was replaced by his designated successor, Daclif Gallamby, who was completely unknown to the public.[6] During Gallamby's rule, the Galactic Civil War intensified. As Corellian armed forces were repeatedly sent away to support the Empire against the Rebellion, piracy exploded in the Corellian sector and the local economy began to decline. After the Rebel victory at the Battle of Yavin, the Diktat and his government became paranoid[10] and got scared to be overthrown by the Rebellion or by their own population.[1] Eventually, the Corellian government enacted strict isolationist measures, restricting trade and traffic[10] throughout the entire sector. These measures caused the collapse of the Corellian economy.[1] Sometime during the reign of the Empire, an Aro-GX Security Droid reprogrammed by Corellian criminals almost assassinating the Diktat.[11] In 1 ABY,[12] a band of criminals known as the Rogue CorSec attempted to overthrow Diktat Daclif Gallamby but their plot was foiled by the Corellian Security Force.[13]

After the death of the Emperor at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Galactic Empire fragmented.[4] At first, Diktat Gallamby's position was strengthened by the massive arrival of Imperial officers and troops who sought to take refuge in the Corellian sector.[14] However, without the direct protection of the Emperor, the Diktat's government flickered. The resentful Corellian population protested more and more vehemently[10] and the Diktat gradually lost power to the Sacorrian Triad.[15] In 7 ABY, the Diktat dissolved the prestigious Corellian Security Force and allocated most of its resources to the new Public Safety Service,[16] an Imperialistic security force and political police tasked with protecting the regime.[17] However, as early as 13 ABY,[18] the Diktat's regime fell apart. As the population revolted, the Corellian armed forces[6] and security forces eventually stopped to protect the government.[1] Daclif Gallamby and his supporters soon grabbed half the credits in the state treasury and fled the Corellian system. Due to the sudden disappearance of the Diktat, his presumed successor, Thrackan Sal-Solo, was not able to prevent the regime to collapse.[6] The Corellian administration remained in disarray until the New Republic gained control of the Corellian sector and appointed a Governor-General to rule the planet Corellia and the sector.[10]


Thrackan Sal-Solo, self-proclaimed Diktat of Corellia

In 18 ABY, during the Corellian Crisis, the Corellian separatists of the Human League assassinated Governor-General Micamberlecto and seized control of Corellia. Their leader, Thrackan Sal-Solo, proclaimed himself the new Diktat of Corellia with the objective to re-establish the previous regime.[6] However, Sal-Solo's reign was short-lived. He was arrested by the New Republic at the end of the Corellian Crisis, therefore restoring the authority of the New Republic over Corellia.[10]

Thrackan Sal-Solo was imprisoned for years after the conclusion of the Corellian Crisis but he was freed prematurely by the New Republic in exchange for his help in the war against the Yuuzhan Vong.[19] Sal-Solo became a war hero for the Corellians during the Battle of Fondor. He later returned to politics and was elected Governor-General of the Corellian sector in 26 ABY.[20] From this position, Thrackan Sal-Solo attempted to betray the New Republic and get the support of the Yuuzhan Vong in order to declare the independence of the Corellian sector and proclaimed himself Diktat. Ironically, Sal-Solo was betrayed by the Yuuzhan Vong who were not interested in the proposal.[21]

The title of Diktat, as well as the title Governor-General of the Corellian sector, disappeared definitively after the Corellians established a new political regime, the Five Worlds, prior to the Second Galactic Civil War.[22]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Ambush at Corellia
  2. 2.0 2.1 SWG logo sm Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit — Quest: "Search the Diktat's Office" on Corellia
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Suns of Fortune
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The Essential Atlas
  5. SWG logo sm Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit — Quest: "Receive the Thanks of a Grateful Diktat" on Corellia
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Assault at Selonia
  7. HNNsmall Corellia Closes BordersHoloNet News Vol. 531 #47 (content now obsolete; backup link)
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide
  9. The Essential Guide to Warfare
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Cracken's Threat Dossier
  11. Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids
  12. The opening crawl of Star Wars Galaxies dates the game to after the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, and additionally, Serji-X Arrogantus, who died in Star Wars (1977) 10—the events of which The New Essential Chronology dates to 0 ABY—appears in the game. Therefore, at least a portion of Star Wars Galaxies must be set in that year. Furthermore, in the game Ruwan Tokai references the destruction of the Death Star as having occurred one year earlier, and Strongholds of Resistance also places the events of Galaxies' Chapter 9: "The Fury of Exar Kun" in 1 ABY. Lastly, while Chapter 11: "The Battle of Echo Base" features the Battle of Hoth—dated to 3 ABY by The New Essential Chronology—the developers have stated that the portrayal of that battle in the game is intentionally anachronistic. Therefore, the events of Star Wars Galaxies must span from 0 ABY to around 1 ABY.
  13. SWG logo sm Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit — Quest: "Go to the Source of the Remote Signal" on Corellia
  14. X-Wing: Rogue Squadron
  15. Coruscant and the Core Worlds
  16. X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble
  17. I, Jedi
  18. X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar
  19. The New Essential Guide to Characters
  20. The New Jedi Order: Recovery
  21. The New Jedi Order: Ylesia
  22. Legacy of the Force: Betrayal