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Attack of the Clones is the first expansion card pack made for the Star Wars Trading Card Game based on Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.

The expansion was released in April 23 2002[2] and contains 180 cards including 60 rare, 60 uncommon and 60 common cards. The expansion symbol is that of a Clone trooper's helmet[1]

TCG: Attack Of The Clones has been sold in boosters containing 11 (7 common, 3 uncommon, 1 rare) or 5 cards, a starter containing two player decks (30 light and 30 dark side), dark side deck (40 dark side) and light side deck (40 light side).[1]

New abilities[]

  • Deflect - Prevents X damage, and does X damage to another unit in the same arena
  • Evade - prevent X damage to unit
  • Critical Hit - if player rolls at least one natural 6, the unit does X more damage
  • Ion Cannon - ground units can attack unit in space area instead of unit in ground area
  • Bombard - space units can attack unit in ground area instead of unit in space area
  • Shields - each unit gets -X power when attacking the unit with Shields X

Card Type[]

  • Battle: 22
  • Character: 21
  • Ground: 21
  • Mission: 21
  • Space: 21

Card Side[]

  • Dark: 65
  • Neutral: 46
  • Light: 69

Card list[]

  1. Anakin Skywalker (A)
  2. Anakin Skywalker (B)
  3. Assassin droid ASN-121 (A)
  4. Bail Organa (A)
  5. Battle Fatigue
  6. Boba Fett (A)
  7. Captain Typho (A)
  8. Clear the Skies
  9. Clone Officer
  10. Dark Rendezvous
  11. Dark Side's Command
  12. Dark Side's Compulsion
  13. Darth Sidious (A)
  14. Darth Tyranus (A)
  15. Destruction of Hope
  16. Dexter Jettster (A)
  17. Geonosian Sentry
  18. Hero's Duty
  19. Hero's Flaw
  20. Interference in the Senate
  21. Jango Fett (A)
  22. Jango Fett (B)
  23. Jar Jar Binks (A)
  24. Jedi Call for Help
  25. Jedi Council Summons
  26. Jedi Knight's Reflection
  27. Lama Su (A)
  28. Luxury Airspeeder
  29. A Moment's Rest
  30. Naboo Defense Station
  31. Obi-Wan Kenobi (A)
  32. Obi-Wan's Starfighter (A)
  33. Order Here
  34. Padmé Amidala (A)
  35. Padmé Amidala (B)
  36. Padmé's Yacht (A)
  37. Plo Koon (A)
  38. Plot the Secession
  39. Power Drive
  40. Queen Jamillia (A)
  41. R2-D2 (A)
  42. San Hill (A)
  43. Second Effort
  44. Seek the Council's Wisdom
  45. Shu Mai (A)
  46. Slave I (A)
  47. Spirit of the Fallen
  48. Target the Senator
  49. Taun We (A)
  50. Trade Federation Battleship Core
  51. Tyranus's Edict
  52. Tyranus's Geonosian Speeder (A)
  53. Tyranus's Solar Sailer (A)
  54. Tyranus's Wrath
  55. War Will Follow
  56. Ward of the Jedi
  57. Windu's Solution
  58. Yoda (A)
  59. Yoda's Intervention
  60. Zam Wesell (A)
  61. Acklay
  62. Anakin Skywalker (C)
  63. Anakin's Inspiration
  64. AT-TE Walker 23X
  65. AT-TE Walker 71E
  66. Attract Enemy Fire
  67. C-3PO (A)
  68. Capture Obi-Wan
  69. Chancellor Palpatine (A)
  70. Chase the Villain
  71. Cheat the Game
  72. Cliegg Lars (A)
  73. Clone Warrior 4/163
  74. Clone Warrior 5/373
  75. Commerce Guild Droid Platoon
  76. Cordé (A)
  77. Coruscant Freighter AA-9 (A)
  78. Dark Speed
  79. Darth Tyranus (B)
  80. Departure Time
  81. Destroyer Droid, P Series
  82. Down in Flames
  83. Droid Control Ship
  84. Elan Sleazebaggano (A)
  85. Geonosian Guard
  86. Geonosian Warrior
  87. Go Into the Temple
  88. Infantry Battle Droid, B1 Series
  89. Jango Fett (C)
  90. Jawa Sandcrawler
  91. Jedi Patrol
  92. Kaminoan Guard
  93. Kit Fisto (A)
  94. Master and Apprentice
  95. Naboo Security Guard
  96. Naboo Spaceport
  97. Nexu
  98. Nute Gunray (A)
  99. Obi-Wan Kenobi (B)
  100. Padmé Amidala (C)
  101. Poggle the Lesser (A)
  102. Reek
  103. Republic Assault Ship
  104. Republic Cruiser
  105. Shaak Ti (A)
  106. Ship Arrival
  107. Splinter the Republic
  108. Strength of Hate
  109. Subtle Assassination
  110. Super Battle Droid 8EX
  111. Trade Federation Battleship
  112. Trade Federation C-9979
  113. Tyranus's Gift
  114. Underworld Confessions
  115. Wat Tambor (A)
  116. Watto (A)
  117. Weapon Response
  118. Wedding of Destiny
  119. Yoda (B)
  120. Zam's Airspeeder (A)
  121. Anakin Skywalker (D)
  122. Battle Droid Squad
  123. Bravo N-1 Starfighter
  124. Chancellor's Guard Squad
  125. Clone Platoon
  126. Clone Squad
  127. Commerce Guild Droid 81
  128. Commerce Guild Starship
  129. Corellian Star Shuttle
  130. Darth Tyranus (C)
  131. Destroyer Droid Squad
  132. Droid Starfighter DFS-4CT
  133. Droid Starfighter Squadron
  134. Droid Starfighter Wing
  135. Elite Jedi Squad
  136. Flying Geonosian Squad
  137. Geonosian Defense Platform
  138. Geonosian Fighter
  139. Geonosian Squad
  140. Gozanti Cruiser
  141. Hatch a Clone
  142. Hero's Dodge
  143. High-Force Dodge
  144. Hyperdrive Ring
  145. InterGalactic Banking Clan Ship
  146. Jango Fett (D)
  147. Jedi Starfighter 3R3
  148. Knockdown
  149. Lost in the Asteroids
  150. Lull in the Fighting
  151. Mending
  152. N-1 Starfighter
  153. Naboo Cruiser
  154. Naboo Royal Starship
  155. Naboo Senatorial Escort
  156. Naboo Starfighter Squadron
  157. Obi-Wan Kenobi (C)
  158. Padawan's Deflection
  159. Padmé Amidala (D)
  160. Patrol Speeder
  161. Peace on Naboo
  162. Pilot's Dodge
  163. Recon Speeder
  164. Republic Attack Gunship UH-478
  165. Repulsorlift Malfunction
  166. Return to Spaceport
  167. Rickshaw
  168. Slumming on Coruscant
  169. Sonic Shockwave
  170. Speeder Bike Squadron
  171. Starship Refit
  172. Surge of Power
  173. Swoop Bike
  174. Take the Initiative
  175. Target Locked
  176. Taylander shuttle
  177. Techno Union Starship
  178. Trade Federation War Freighter
  179. Walking Droid Fighter
  180. Zam Wesell (B)

Card samples[]

Tcgaotc sample

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 WizardsoftheCoast "Attack of the Clones" on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  2. 2.0 2.1 AOTC Trading Card Game Press Release by Thomas on www.theforce.net (April 26, 2002): ""…the TCG is scheduled to be on stores shelves on April 23."" (archived from the original on May 12, 2016)

External links[]
