
Ha'taks and variants[]

Ha'taks, as defined by the Goa'uld, don't follow our traditional naval classification. If anything, the class names which are attributed to ships in Stargate come from the Tau'ri (as we can see for the Auroras for examples, while we can be sure that the Aurora was not the first nor the last ship made by the Lantians). The "tak" suffix seems to refer to ship, and depending on the prefix, would either point to the type of ship (Ha'tak: mothership, pyramid ship) or a section of the ship (Pel'tak: bridge). It would fit well with Tel'tak, where we can suppose that "Tel" then refers to something as "scout". "Ha" in Ha'tak may refer to pyramid, and thus as a complete term, point to a class of assault mothership, used for combat.

I suggest that at some point, we rethink the Ha'tak page layout to make it general, and give a detailed description of each variants instead. Those variants/"classes" would be:

  • Ra's ships (dubbed Cheops-class in RPG material), used by Ra and Heru-ur.
  • Standard mothership as seen during the 4 first seasons of SG-1, and one last time in It's Good to be King.
  • Sokar's standard motherships, same design, but with extended weapon functions (homing PD weapons and cloak).
  • Anubis' standard Ha'taks, which for ages I refered to as mark II, before newer canon material would reveal that all pyramid ships are Ha'taks, which makes it hard to know which one is older than the other. Still, the design differences on Anubis' ships are glaring, from structure to defences, and they deserve their own page.
  • Apophis' aborted flagship - destroyed by SG-1 on "oomph" mode.
  • Apophis' supership, possibly borrowed from Sokar.
  • Anubis' superships.

Mister Oragahn 14:42, 9 June 2008 (UTC)

I know this comment is really quite old by this point, but I very much agree, and I say it's finally time for that change. I'd do it myself, but I'm afraid I don't have the proper knowledge, though if alowed, I could try to simply change the layout and hope for others to actually add the information. Actually, the major reason I'd like this is because I don't have any idea about this but would very much like to see it, as I never really noticed when actually watching the series. --------- Typoman strikes again! 18:40, May 27, 2011 (UTC)

Huge mistake?[]

Has the show ever offered a good explanation for how three-sided ships land on four-sided pyramids? —MJBurrage(TC) 18:26, 4 August 2008 (UTC)

That is a really good point! I'm laughing really hard right now. But surely not all Ha'tak's are only 3 sided. User:Phoenix304

The whole point is that the middle of a Ha'tak pyramid is hollow. That means that when it lands the landing pyramid goes inside the pyramid on the Ha'tak. The 'extra bits' on the side just stick ot the side. It's like aplane not being able to land on a runway 'cause its wings are wider than the runway.-Ascended 999 23:15, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

I was thinking that too, but in every episode I have seen where you know for sure it is a four sided pyramid, such as on Abydos, the "Cheops" class lands on it. I'll have to watch for an episode where a Hat'ak lands to see if the pyramid has the correct number of sides. --Undomesticatedequine69 23:18, 1 August 2009 (UTC)

I haven't had much oportunity to observe the "pyramids" and ha'tak landing on them in the episodes or movies, and this thought always bugged me, perhaps the older versions, or maybe dependant on goa'uld taste? Since humans were taken from earth as slaves and earth has the standard pentahedral pyramids, we could assume that our pyramids with 4 walls were designed for the earlier ships of the goa'uld while the tetrahedral goa'uld ships may be a redesign, (perhaps for better effeciency or structural strength) that came into a much more common use. I haven't seen too much completely of pyramids off abidos and earth, so perhaps those pyramids have 3 walls instead of 4? Just some speculation to put here... (Anonymous) 17 February 2013

When Goa'ulds first arrived to the Earths, it was in time of primitie tribal society. First pyramids were built after the Earth had become part of the Goa'uld Empire. --Niu 00:09, June 28, 2016 (UTC)

Well... actually...![]

Actually there are more funny things about three sided and four-sided pyramids.

All pyramids, that are built on the ground, were always foursided classic pyramids. That includes for example pyramids created on Cymeria by Heru-Ur in episode "Thor's Chariot". The Pyramid in which Vala had her treasures was also foursided... any building-pyramid was foursided.

About the landing... In the episode "Double Jeopardy", when they killed Cronos, at the end of the episode they land Cronos's ha'tak on the ground... on foursided pyramid (it is pretty obvious, that the base of the pyramid, on which it lands, is right-angled). While the ha'tak itself was shown to be three-sided. It appeared again in another episode in possesion of SGC (only to be lost pretty soon) and you can count the sides ;-)

And one more funny thing. How ordinary ha'tak looks like? Three-sided pyramid with superstructure around it with three 3-horned segments sticking out of the pyramid, eachone from a corner of the pyramid (lousy word description, but I guess you know what I mean). BUT anytime there is shown on some screen anything like a plans for a ha'tak... it is almost everytime foursided pyramid, with surrounding superstructure with only two 3-horned segments, much wider than the usual ones, sticking out of the pyramid... from two opposing sides of the pyramid, not from its corners (can bee seen e.g. in episode "Revelations" or "Disclosure".

There is completely lacing any reason why they changed the number of sides of the pyramids (I would prefer four-sided), there is no explanation why goa'ulds, when majority of their fleet is three-sided ha'taks, are still bulding four-sided pyramids as the landing platformss and none three-sided, and there is no explanation, why all "plans" ever used by characters on the screen were always with four-sided ha'tak, even if the ship shown in CGI space view was three-sided. --Niu 00:09, June 28, 2016 (UTC)


Does any one remember when these ships were supposedly all powerful. Ah...those were the days. Now they're just an annoyance. One shot from an ori ship!? Apophis would be most displeased!!User:Phoenix304

  • I know, they're the weakest ships in the entire Stargate universe, and I'm glad they're weak. I would really like to see a Ha'tak being destroyed with Asgard plasma beam weapons though. (In the words of Jack O'Neill) It would give me a sort of happy, tingling feeling.—Anubis 10545 02:09, 9 September 2008 (UTC)

yeah, i just had a story play out in my head. the lucien alliance comes to earth with a huge fleet. and for some reason, all of our ships r in orbit. the second they say they r here to defeat us, everyone on the ships and at the sgc fall over laughing, so they start firing on our ships, the shields r at 50% when they say, ok i think we should blow em outta space now. and in a few seconds, most of the ships r blown up lol.

another thing i would've liked to see was ha'taks vs. hives and hives vs. ori ships—SupremeCommander 06:15, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

Sure, they are weak, I admit it. But I still like them. I think they are one of the cooler looking ships in the series. --Undomesticatedequine69 23:28, 1 August 2009 (UTC)

Although, perhaps they aren't as weak as they were before, though they are still pretty stupid. If you haven't seen the premiere of StarGate Universe, watch it and you'll see what I mean. Although, I don't know that Carter even fired at the Ha'taks in the first place... Anywho, I hope we can find out in a later episode who was definitely behind the attack, although it is assumed it was the Lucian Alliance. --Undomesticatedequine69 (talk) (Contribs) 15:10, October 4, 2009 (UTC)

Well. when you really think about it, they are only weak compared to the vessels of older and more advanced groups, like the Asgard, Ancients, and Ori. The Tau'ri vessels would be inferior if they did not have the ability to upgrade each with Asgard technology, most likely using the transporter technology onboard the Odyssey, and the Asgard Core, possibly other enhancement. We dont know how they would stand up to wraith ships in fights, but seem to be very good, against Asgard enhanced shields, better then the wraith against the Asgard enhanced Tau'ri ships, except they dont intercept missiles like the Wraith do. Compared to all other races in the Milky way, the Goa'uld may have the greatest starships. 21:47, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

Probably the first Ha'taks designed by P'tah weren't so weak, seeing as they were built from directly reverse engineered Ancient tech that would still be considered rather formidable today. But as time went on the Goa'uld only cared more about the Image of power rather itself, so they made their ships cheaper and cheaper so they could build more and impress their worshippers and terrify their enemies because the Goa'uld seem to be more interested in the thrill of war than actually winning it, to the point where they literally devolved their technology willingly to have more "fun" with it.-- 20:09, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

I'm going to have to completely disagree, the first generation of reverse engineer, cant be stronger then the later generations, built after they learned and used the technology for centuries. Its basic stuff, they learn to use it better as time goes on. Goa'u;d dont forget how to use things, like human's might, they pass on all their knowledge to their offspring. Unless P'tah never fathered any offspring, and withheld certain technologies, fromt he motherships the other Goa'ld possessed then their is no chance they got weaker. First generational reverse engineering doesnt mean its strong, it means its weaker then second generations of reverse engineering, because they add more stuff they learned about, to it. We also know that Goa'uld ships did improve with time, from 10 times the speed of light to 32,000 times the speed of light. Being able to fight it out with an Asgard Mothership. They still compete among each other just as heavily as ever, they just cling to certain tactics, with Infantry, fighters, and motherships, as well as Al'kesh, technologically, improving certain things, while remaining stagnant in other areas(Staff weapons and things like that). They always seem to compete with each other for Ancient devices to reverse engineer and use for their own advantage. 02:18, March 16, 2010 (UTC)

where are they shown fighting against asgard motherships, i thought they failed epically against them —ASDF1239 DISCUSSION 03:02, March 16, 2010 (UTC)

I think the producers knew we all started to laught at Ha'taks, so thats why in Air they made them blow up a planet. Mr White (talk) (Contribs) 01:34, June 2, 2010 (UTC)

On Continuum, the explosions created by their weapons is massive on the planet's surface Sman789 (talk) (Contribs) 01:39, June 2, 2010 (UTC)
not really, [1], [2], [3]
they are kind of underwhelming esp since i believe it was stated that each shot was the equivalent of a 200 megaton warhead ASDF1239 DISCUSSION 02:26, June 2, 2010 (UTC)
Those explosions are quite big when you consider how they seem to cover an area of like two dozen buildings each. Sman789 (talk) (Contribs) 11:50, June 2, 2010 (UTC)


shouldnt all instances of "pel'tak" in this page be changed to "peltac" like it says on the peltac page —User:Asdf1239 21:28, February 12, 2010 (UTC)

replicators and asgards[]

pardon me for my ignorance but do we have a battle scene between these things and replicator ships and why havent the asgard pwnified the goa'uld with their far superior technology —ASDF1239 DISCUSSION 05:00, March 9, 2010 (UTC)

For a battle scene, I can't remember exactly when that would be, though I just re-watched all of SG-1, so that is very upsetting. The Asgard are in their galaxy, Ida, for most of the time the Goa'uld are in power, dealing with the replicators. MendicantBias1 (talk) (Contribs) 05:20, March 9, 2010 (UTC)
Enemies and Reckoning. ugh... just had an edit conflict there with bias' post :) . —Anubis 10545 (talk) (Contribs) 05:21, March 9, 2010 (UTC)
how do they do against 304s without the asgard beam weapons —ASDF1239 DISCUSSION 23:47, March 9, 2010 (UTC)
My guess is about 3 Ha'taks to 1 304 make a fair fight, with plasma beams 12 to 1-- 20:12, March 15, 2010 (UTC)
they where defeated by the Lucian alliance and they had plasma weapons and there where only 3 Ha'taks.It can be there Ha'taks are upgraded like Anubis his Ha'tak.Anubis 1996 (talk) (Contribs) 18:53, July 1, 2010 (UTC)

Im pretty sertain that was only cause they were battered by the Ori mothership right befor the Alliance came

Dark Horse (Katy Perry song)[]

Dark Horse - Katy Perry song show elements of Stargate, for example: flying pyramid reminds Ra starship [4][5]. And also "magical bolt of lightning from her hand" reminds Kara kesh of Goa'uld. To change of article in Wikipedia we need sources about this. Subtropical-man (talk) (Contribs) 17:43, April 25, 2014 (UTC)

Ha'tak Speed[]

The listed speed of a Ha'tak is wrong.

In the first Season Teal'c says that Ha'tak's go 10x the speed of light. He's not knowledgable about most things and is silent about things he doesn't know so it is a certainty that most Ha'taks before the series traveled at 10c. Given that number Carter then says that "we have about a year" meaning that the system they departed from was around 3,650 light years away. They then arrive in about a day. This means that Apophis' ship is new, travels faster than all previous Ha'taks, and has a speed of around 3650c.

Even assuming that a Ha'tak and "transport" Ha'tak travel at different speeds, it is the normal Ha'tak that would travel slower which implies that Ha'taks travel slower than 10c, not 32000c. Further, 32000c is would make travel around the galaxy a lot more trivial than it should be for Goa'uld before the series. If Apophis has a base 3600 ly away then reconquoring earth, would take a month to get there, a trivial amount of time for what they must have viewed as a valuable stronghold. 20:34, June 29, 2016 (UTC)Durakken
