"We so do enjoy the method of procuring the code [of life (DNA)] in your species... it is much more pleasurable than most."
Hathor, who is about to force Daniel Jackson to impregnate her to create more Goa'uld[src]

In biology, sex is the process of combining and mixing genetic traits. If often results in the specialization of organisms into a male and female variety, and is how most races reproduce.

Variation among races[]

While Goa'uld are agender, there are some Goa'uld who can produce larva. These rare Goa'uld are referred to as Queens and are capable of spawning numerous larval Goa'uld symbiotes (called prim'ta) in each cycle.

Among the Goa'uld, it was taboo for two Goa'uld hosts to have unprotected sex as it would lead to the birth of a harcesis - an individual who would possess all the knowledge of the Goa'uld who fathered it. With this knowledge, a harcesis could easily jeopardize the Goa'uld power structure, such as by revealing that the Goa'uld are false gods to their followers or by divulging the secrets of Goa'uld technology. For this reason, known harcesis were hunted down and killed with impunity. (SG1: "Maternal Instinct")

The Asgard were one notable race who, instead of utilizing sex, reproduced through cloning. (SG1: "Revelations", "Unending")


In 2009, Matthew Scott and Vanessa James had sex in a closet in Icarus Base. (SGU: "Air, Part 1")

Later that year, Colonel Everett Young (while in the body of Colonel David Telford) had sex with his wife Emily Young via the Ancient Long-range communication device. Due to Destiny dropping out of FTL while this was transpiring, Colonel Telford momentarily switched back to his own body in the middle of intercourse, leaving him utterly shocked. (SGU: "Earth") Ronald Greer is known to have had sex with Lisa Park, and Eli Wallace is believed to have had sex with Ginn. (SGU: "Life", "The Greater Good")


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Medical conditions Allergy  · Alzheimer's disease  · Amnesia  · Ancient contagion  · Aneurysm  · Appendicitis  · Arthritis  · Bacteria  · Barion's syndrome  · Berchart's syndrome  · Blood fever  · Blue Sickness  · Caffeine withdrawal  · Cancer  · Catatonic shock  · Cellular degradation  · Cerebral oedema  · Chickenpox  · Claustrophobia  · Coma  · Common cold  · Concussion  · Depression  · Diabetes  · Epilepsy  · Fainting  · Fever  · Frostbite  · Glaucoma  · Hallucinations  · Heart attack  · Heart murmur  · Hiccups  · HIV  · Hypochondria  · Hypoglycemia  · Hypothermia  · Hypoxia  · Influenza  · Internal Hemorrhage  · Kirsan fever  · Klinefelter's syndrome  · Leprosy  · Lesion  · Linea's plague  · Lou Gehrig's Disease  · Meningitis  · Migraine  · Mind fire  · Minotaur Syndrome  · Motion sickness  · Nakai pathogen  · Nervous system  · Nicotine withdrawal  · Pneumonia  · Post-traumatic stress disorder  · Pregnancy  · PRIOR2 virus  · Radiation poisoning  · Renal failure  · Restless legs syndrome  · Scarlet fever  · Schizophrenia  · Sciatica  · Second Childhood  · Shock  · Sterility  · Stroke  · Subdural hematoma  · Sunburn  · Telomere  · Touched Syndrome  · Vertigo  · Vomit  · Wraith cancer  · Wraith enzyme withdrawal  · Wraith pathogen
Medical procedures Abortion  · ATA gene therapy  · Autopsy  · Averium  · Bio screen  · Brain surgery  · Cardiopulmonary resuscitation  · CAT Scan  · Chemotherapy  · Decompressive craniectomy  · Electroconvulsive therapy  · Hypnosis  · Lamaze  · Medically induced coma  · Nanite medical program  · Nanotech Universal Recovery System  · Physical therapy  · Plastic surgery  · Psychiatric evaluation  · Quarantine lockdown  · Stitches  · Transfusion  · Ultrasound
Medical devices Ancient healing device  · Atlantis Medical Scanner  · Bedrosian syringe  · Bone saw  · Containment stretcher  · Crutches  · Defibrillator  · Disinfectant  · Electrocardiography  · Electroencephalography  · Goa'uld healing device  · Injection syringe  · Lantean medical scanner · Magnetic resonance imaging  · Medical Thermometer  · Microscope  · Optical regenerator  · PET Scan  · Sarcophagus  · Scalpel  · Stethoscope  · Surgical drill · Traveler syringe · Wand of Horus  · Wheelchair  · Wraith medical scanner