Horus Guards 3

Horus Guard wearing the most complicated mask of all Jaffa, made up of a multitude of moving plates.

Serpent Guard helmet

Serpent Guards of the house of Apophis

Jackal Guard

Jackal Guards of Anubis/Ra

Crocodile Guard

Crocodile Guard of Sobek

Jaffa Guards were elite Jaffa who served as the personal bodyguards of the Goa'uld System Lords. Many of them often wore masks which were made in the image of the Goa'uld they served. Some were the most fanatical of the Goa'uld's servants, completely unwavering in their belief that the Goa'uld were gods. Others, however, were extremely suspicious of the Goa'uld.

Known Guards[]

Links and navigation[]

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Goa'uld forces
Jaffa Guard AsuraAves GuardBast GuardBrahma GuardCrocodile GuardDragon GuardEmperor's Hand GuardFianna warriorGuard of AgesHorus GuardImperial GuardIron GuardJackal GuardLightning GuardMagi-UchawiNaga GuardNecropolis GuardNinja JaffaOlympian GuardRam GuardRaven GuardRoyal GuardSekhmet's JaffaSerpent GuardSetesh GuardSpartan GuardTa-tanenThunder GuardWarriors of AkkadWolf Guard
Military units and Organizations AshrakCauldron-BornClaws of BastetCrucian knightCrypteiaCult of SokarCursor'vaEye of HathorGoa'uld armyGoa'uld fleetGoa'uld Scout TeamHigh Council of System LordsKullLinvrisMarutMashurNew MindSystem LordSystem Lords Third Battle GroupThe System LordsThe Trust