
HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus a highly communicable immune system destroying virus known to exist on Earth. When Eli Wallace was fourteen years old, his mother, Marian Wallace contracted HIV while she was accidentally stuck with a needle while attempting to restrain a junkie. The medical cost to treat the disease was financially devastating, but the United States Air Force managed to remedy this while Eli was working for the Icarus project and was on Destiny. However, despairing at the possibility of never seeing her son again, Marian began to stop taking her medication and give up her fight, falling into a depression, saying Eli was the reason she even got up in the morning. She became anemic and Eli was recalled to Earth through the long-range communication device to help her. After visiting Destiny through the communications device and seeing Eli and what he was doing for her, Marian resumed her fight against the disease. (SGU: "Air, Part 1", "Earth", "Time", "Pathogen")

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Anatomy Adrenaline  · Blood  · Bone  · Brain  · Calf  · Collarbone  · Delta wave  · DNA  · Dream  · Ear  · Eye  · Ganglia  · Glute  · Goatee  · Heart  · Immune system  · Kidney  · Larynx  · Liver  · Lung  · Ovary  · Pheremones  · Physiology  · Protein marker  · Rib  · Scapula  · Sex  · Skull  · Sleep  · Spine  · Stem cell  · Telomere  ·Testosterone  · Tooth  · Thoracic vertebrae  · Wraith enzyme  · Urine
Medicine Ambien  · Amphetamines  · Anesthetic  · Anesthetic salve  · Antacid  · Anti-aging vaccine  · Anti-radiation drug  · Antibiotic  · Antihistamine  · Argosian relaxation drug  · Aspirin  · Atropine  · Beta-Cantin  · Beta blocker  · Blood of Sokar  · Blue Sickness inoculation  · Calcium channel blocker  · Dantrolene  · Dargol  · Dopamine inhibitor  · Doxepin  · Dramamine  · Elio'so paste  · Emergency Viral Response  · Enchuri plant  · FastClot  · Ferassin root serum  · First aid kit  · Haloperidol  · Hoffan drug  · Ibuprofen  · Insulin  · Iodine  · Iratus bug retrovirus  · Kash'ta  · Kassa  · Lidocaine  · Lithium  · Lorazepam  · Lucius' herb  · Mannitol  · Marijuana  · Midazolam  · Morphine  · Neuraminidase inhibitor  · Phage  · Nimodipine  · Nish'ta  · Nitroglycerin  · Novocaine  · Perphenazine  · Protein  · Reol chemical  · Roshna  · Sedative  · Sodium pentathol  · Stimulant  · Symbiote poison  · Tretonin  · Tylenol  · Ud'Wat incense  · Valium  · Venom  · Warfarin  · Wraith gene therapy
Medical conditions Allergy  · Alzheimer's disease  · Amnesia  · Ancient contagion  · Aneurysm  · Appendicitis  · Arthritis  · Bacteria  · Barion's syndrome  · Berchart's syndrome  · Blood fever  · Blue Sickness  · Caffeine withdrawal  · Cancer  · Catatonic shock  · Cellular degradation  · Cerebral oedema  · Chickenpox  · Claustrophobia  · Coma  · Common cold  · Concussion  · Depression  · Diabetes  · Epilepsy  · Fainting  · Fever  · Frostbite  · Glaucoma  · Hallucinations  · Heart attack  · Heart murmur  · Hiccups  · HIV  · Hypochondria  · Hypoglycemia  · Hypothermia  · Hypoxia  · Influenza  · Internal Hemorrhage  · Kirsan fever  · Klinefelter's syndrome  · Leprosy  · Lesion  · Linea's plague  · Lou Gehrig's Disease  · Meningitis  · Migraine  · Mind fire  · Minotaur Syndrome  · Motion sickness  · Nakai pathogen  · Nervous system  · Nicotine withdrawal  · Pneumonia  · Post-traumatic stress disorder  · Pregnancy  · PRIOR2 virus  · Radiation poisoning  · Renal failure  · Restless legs syndrome  · Scarlet fever  · Schizophrenia  · Sciatica  · Second Childhood  · Shock  · Sterility  · Stroke  · Subdural hematoma  · Sunburn  · Telomere  · Touched Syndrome  · Vertigo  · Vomit  · Wraith cancer  · Wraith enzyme withdrawal  · Wraith pathogen
Medical procedures Abortion  · ATA gene therapy  · Autopsy  · Averium  · Bio screen  · Brain surgery  · Cardiopulmonary resuscitation  · CAT Scan  · Chemotherapy  · Decompressive craniectomy  · Electroconvulsive therapy  · Hypnosis  · Lamaze  · Medically induced coma  · Nanite medical program  · Nanotech Universal Recovery System  · Physical therapy  · Plastic surgery  · Psychiatric evaluation  · Quarantine lockdown  · Stitches  · Transfusion  · Ultrasound
Medical devices Ancient healing device  · Atlantis Medical Scanner  · Bedrosian syringe  · Bone saw  · Containment stretcher  · Crutches  · Defibrillator  · Disinfectant  · Electrocardiography  · Electroencephalography  · Goa'uld healing device  · Injection syringe  · Lantean medical scanner · Magnetic resonance imaging  · Medical Thermometer  · Microscope  · Optical regenerator  · PET Scan  · Sarcophagus  · Scalpel  · Stethoscope  · Surgical drill · Traveler syringe · Wand of Horus  · Wheelchair  · Wraith medical scanner