
The glutes, or the gluteal muscles, are the three muscles that make up the buttocks. Dr. Rodney McKay was once shot in the gluteus maximus with an arrow. (SGA: "Sateda")

Major Anne Teldy complained about having to walk so far while on a unnamed planet to which Lt. Colonel John Sheppard replied that had he been notified they could have arranged a Puddle Jumper. Teldy's response was that the exercise was good, firming up the glutes and calves. (SGA: "Whispers")

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Anatomy Adrenaline  · Blood  · Bone  · Brain  · Calf  · Collarbone  · Delta wave  · DNA  · Dream  · Ear  · Eye  · Ganglia  · Glute  · Goatee  · Heart  · Immune system  · Kidney  · Larynx  · Liver  · Lung  · Ovary  · Pheremones  · Physiology  · Protein marker  · Rib  · Scapula  · Sex  · Skull  · Sleep  · Spine  · Stem cell  · Telomere  ·Testosterone  · Tooth  · Thoracic vertebrae  · Wraith enzyme  · Urine
Medicine Ambien  · Amphetamines  · Anesthetic  · Anesthetic salve  · Antacid  · Anti-aging vaccine  · Anti-radiation drug  · Antibiotic  · Antihistamine  · Argosian relaxation drug  · Aspirin  · Atropine  · Beta-Cantin  · Beta blocker  · Blood of Sokar  · Blue Sickness inoculation  · Calcium channel blocker  · Dantrolene  · Dargol  · Dopamine inhibitor  · Doxepin  · Dramamine  · Elio'so paste  · Emergency Viral Response  · Enchuri plant  · FastClot  · Ferassin root serum  · First aid kit  · Haloperidol  · Hoffan drug  · Ibuprofen  · Insulin  · Iodine  · Iratus bug retrovirus  · Kash'ta  · Kassa  · Lidocaine  · Lithium  · Lorazepam  · Lucius' herb  · Mannitol  · Marijuana  · Midazolam  · Morphine  · Neuraminidase inhibitor  · Phage  · Nimodipine  · Nish'ta  · Nitroglycerin  · Novocaine  · Perphenazine  · Protein  · Reol chemical  · Roshna  · Sedative  · Sodium pentathol  · Stimulant  · Symbiote poison  · Tretonin  · Tylenol  · Ud'Wat incense  · Valium  · Venom  · Warfarin  · Wraith gene therapy
Medical conditions Allergy  · Alzheimer's disease  · Amnesia  · Ancient contagion  · Aneurysm  · Appendicitis  · Arthritis  · Bacteria  · Barion's syndrome  · Berchart's syndrome  · Blood fever  · Blue Sickness  · Caffeine withdrawal  · Cancer  · Catatonic shock  · Cellular degradation  · Cerebral oedema  · Chickenpox  · Claustrophobia  · Coma  · Common cold  · Concussion  · Depression  · Diabetes  · Epilepsy  · Fainting  · Fever  · Frostbite  · Glaucoma  · Hallucinations  · Heart attack  · Heart murmur  · Hiccups  · HIV  · Hypochondria  · Hypoglycemia  · Hypothermia  · Hypoxia  · Influenza  · Internal Hemorrhage  · Kirsan fever  · Klinefelter's syndrome  · Leprosy  · Lesion  · Linea's plague  · Lou Gehrig's Disease  · Meningitis  · Migraine  · Mind fire  · Minotaur Syndrome  · Motion sickness  · Nakai pathogen  · Nervous system  · Nicotine withdrawal  · Pneumonia  · Post-traumatic stress disorder  · Pregnancy  · PRIOR2 virus  · Radiation poisoning  · Renal failure  · Restless legs syndrome  · Scarlet fever  · Schizophrenia  · Sciatica  · Second Childhood  · Shock  · Sterility  · Stroke  · Subdural hematoma  · Sunburn  · Telomere  · Touched Syndrome  · Vertigo  · Vomit  · Wraith cancer  · Wraith enzyme withdrawal  · Wraith pathogen
Medical procedures Abortion  · ATA gene therapy  · Autopsy  · Averium  · Bio screen  · Brain surgery  · Cardiopulmonary resuscitation  · CAT Scan  · Chemotherapy  · Decompressive craniectomy  · Electroconvulsive therapy  · Hypnosis  · Lamaze  · Medically induced coma  · Nanite medical program  · Nanotech Universal Recovery System  · Physical therapy  · Plastic surgery  · Psychiatric evaluation  · Quarantine lockdown  · Stitches  · Transfusion  · Ultrasound
Medical devices Ancient healing device  · Atlantis Medical Scanner  · Bedrosian syringe  · Bone saw  · Containment stretcher  · Crutches  · Defibrillator  · Disinfectant  · Electrocardiography  · Electroencephalography  · Goa'uld healing device  · Injection syringe  · Lantean medical scanner · Magnetic resonance imaging  · Medical Thermometer  · Microscope  · Optical regenerator  · PET Scan  · Sarcophagus  · Scalpel  · Stethoscope  · Surgical drill · Traveler syringe · Wand of Horus  · Wheelchair  · Wraith medical scanner