
Cauldron-Born are undead Jaffa created by placing a dead body into a specially-modified Sarcophagus called the Black Cauldron. Instead of healing the body and raising the dead, it animates it as a Cauldron-Born. The Cauldron-Born know instinctively who their creator is and obey him.

Cauldron-Born make excellent shock-troops: they're silent, they follow every order given, they have no fear, feel no pain, and fight on until they are (mercifully) killed again. They are easily replaced by the dead of their enemies, the ultimate Jaffa recycling program. One drawback though was Cauldron-Born couldn't speak.

The Cauldron-Born made up the majority of any ground force Manannan mac Lir sent into battle. They were first deployed by Arawn during the uprising against Balor. (RPG: "Living Gods: Stargate System Lords")

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Goa'uld forces
Jaffa Guard AsuraAves GuardBast GuardBrahma GuardCrocodile GuardDragon GuardEmperor's Hand GuardFianna warriorGuard of AgesHorus GuardImperial GuardIron GuardJackal GuardLightning GuardMagi-UchawiNaga GuardNecropolis GuardNinja JaffaOlympian GuardRam GuardRaven GuardRoyal GuardSekhmet's JaffaSerpent GuardSetesh GuardSpartan GuardTa-tanenThunder GuardWarriors of AkkadWolf Guard
Military units and Organizations AshrakCauldron-BornClaws of BastetCrucian knightCrypteiaCult of SokarCursor'vaEye of HathorGoa'uld armyGoa'uld fleetGoa'uld Scout TeamHigh Council of System LordsKullLinvrisMarutMashurNew MindSystem LordSystem Lords Third Battle GroupThe System LordsThe Trust