
Anise is a Tok'ra, and the symbiote of Freya. She is an able scientist and archaeologist. Anise says her name means "noble strength." (SG1: "Upgrades")



SG-1 first met Anise when she brought the Atanik armbands and requested they take part in her experiment. However, when she approached them about a mission to destroy Apophis' Battleship, Major General George S. Hammond believed she knew of the ship all along and planned an attack using the SG-1 team. After this experience with the armbands, the members of SG-1 were somewhat distrustful of Anise. (SG1: "Upgrades")

When Shan'auc came to Stargate Command with the offer of allowing her symbiote to join the Tok'ra, Anise was sent to Earth to hear the offer. She returned to Vorash to speak with the Tok'ra High Council. She returned and informed SG-1 that the Tok'ra had accepted her offer and found a Shan'auc a new symbiote. After Tanith was blended with Hebron and Shan'auc was found dead, she suspected Tanith was the culprit but the Council planned to use him to provide misinformation to the Goa'uld. (SG1: "Crossroads")

When the Tok'ra and Tau'ri were in the process of negotiating a treaty, she was present when Major Thomas Graham attacked Supreme High Councilor Per'sus and then committed suicide. She determined he was a Za'tarc and that the Goa'uld had attempted to stop the treaty. She traveled to Earth to use the Za'tarc detector on members of Stargate Command. She determined Lt. Louise Astor, Major Samantha Carter and Colonel Jack O'Neill were Za'tarcs. While O'Neill was locked in isolation Freya told him she is attracted to him, but Anise prefers Dr. Daniel Jackson. He declined her advances and she left. Later she convinced him to use the Za'tarc detector to remove the programing, but was stopped when Carter realized they weren't telling the whole truth. She tested them both again and they came up negative. O'Neill asked her if she had been tested and she said she had not been in a position to be made into a Za'tarc. Carter then asked about Martouf, who had not been tested and was in fact a Za'tarc. (SG1: "Divide and Conquer")

When Teal'c and O'Neill needed rescue from the X-301 Interceptor due to a Recall device preventing them from regaining control of the ship, Jackson contacted all their spaceflight-capable allies for assistance, and she spoke with him as the representative of the Tok'ra. Although she had to officially turn down the request for help, she worded her response in such a way as to hint to Jackson that they had a covert operative with a Tel'tak on the Goa'uld-occupied world of P2C-257, which was within a day or so of Earth. (SG1: "Tangent")


By 2009, Anise has gained a seat on the Tok'ra High Council and is present when SG-1 visits to investigate the kidnapping of Dr. Carolyn Lam and the theft of the Time Jumper by three rogue Tok'ra operatives. Unlike Per'sus and Sal'tor, Anise is more uncooperative with her behavior arousing SG-1's suspicions about her potential involvement in the mission. Anise revealed that the team leader, Marik, had proposed traveling back in time to a spawning when they could retrieve a larval queen to replenish the Tok'ra line and made it clear that while the rest of the High Council thought the idea was too dangerous, she was in support of it. When Per'sus offered to let the High Council be questioned first, Anise objected, but was overruled.

Anise was connected to the Za'tarc detector to ensure she would be telling the truth when she was to be questioned by Dr. Daniel Jackson. Daniel told Colonel Cameron Mitchell that Colonel Samantha Carter was still angry enough at Anise over the Za'tarc incident to want to kill her while Daniel had a cooler head despite all that Anise had put SG-1 through in the past. Anise continued to protest, but when Sal'tor refused to budge, Freya took over and asked to talk in private before the interrogation and explained to Daniel that Anise had things she didn't want the High Council to know about. Though Freya insisted that Anise's reluctance stemmed from political arguments, Daniel didn't buy it as he felt that Anise was either working with Marik or at least giving him passive support. Anise then took back over and promised to tell what she knew if they sent Sal'tor away and threatened to make things more complicated for them, but Daniel refused, knowing that while Anise could do what she said, she would risk angering the High Council and the alliance with the Tau'ri which the Tok'ra desperately needed at the moment. Seeing no other choice, Anise and Freya finally agreed to cooperate.

Anise explained that Marik had gone to seek out their forebearer Egeria and convince her to spawn again so that the Tok'ra could survive with the Za'tarc detector confirming that she told the truth. Anise further explained that Marik sought to find Egeria on Earth at their earliest collective memory of her life with their memories of Egeria's life while she was in the service of King Numa and before not being very clear. Anise revealed that the time period she meant was after the rebellion against Ra and near the Stargate which was open again for a time when Egeria was present. After Sal'tor revealed that Egeria herself was a time traveler, both she and Anise suggested that Marik or one of his team may have been Egeria herself or that he could induce Egeria to spawn a queen that he could bring back in his own host or another host, leaving SG-1 to deal with the complication of possibly changing the timeline by stopping Marik's plan. (SG1: "Moebius Squared")


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Other equipment[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Anise was introduced as a means to combat the ratings climb achieved by Star Trek Voyager's introduction of a sexy female cast member, Seven of Nine (played by Jeri Ryan) a couple of years earlier. Peter DeLuise explained that after reviewing the ratings and determining that the series was performing fine as it was, the character of Anise was scrapped. Vanessa Angel also auditioned for the role of Seven of Nine on Voyager, prior to Jeri Ryan accepting the role.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 (SG1: "Upgrades")

Links and navigation[]

Stargate Wiki has a collection of images related to Anise.
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Tok'ra AcastusAdrastosAldwinAniseAntocCordeshDelekEgeriaGarshaw of BeloteJa'nokJalenJalrowJaydinJolinar of MalkshurKananKelmaaKhonsuKorraKurserLantashMalekMapepMarteenMingalaMarnonOckerOneshPer'susPoloniusRen'alSelmakSholredSinaTa'SeemThellasThoranTok'ra ElderToliiZanufZarinZelida
Tok'ra hosts Jacob CarterSamantha CarterCharlieEilaanKevin ElliotFirnanFreyaKadonLiandraMartoufNyklosJack O'NeillBenjamin J. ReillyPriaRoshaSalemSarooshShevakSuloMacAlester St. JohnTroy StantonThinaTulennWey'larYosuf
Tok'ra outposts MeliaParvaP34-353JGhanazVorashRevannaTok'ra homeworld
Tok'ra technology Bio-sensorDisplay deviceGoa'uld BaneHologram projectorHoming beaconHUD headsetKull disruptorMemory recall deviceRadioactive Tok'ra isotopeReol chemicalRing remoteShock grenadeShort range communicatorStrength gaugeSymbiote extractorSymbiote poisonTacluchnatagamuntoronTok'ra control consoleTok'ra data crystalTok'ra force fieldTok'ra moon destabilizerTok'ra star mapping technologyTok'ra stasis podTok'ra subspace receiverTok'ra tabletTok'ra tunnelTransphase Eradication RodZa'tarc detectorZa'tarc ringZat'nik'tel