Untitled — Seconding the importance of being DONE and...

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


What did people do for thousands of years before us who had much more difficult circumstances?


They also had a stronger sense of community. The isolation of modern work is a large part of the problem.

Also, for the most part, when they were done they were DONE. You fed the cows and the cows were fed. You didn’t have to send a message to Ye Olde Bosse that the cows were fed, or field angry questions about why the cows weren’t fed more quickly, or worry about the YoY efficiency of feeding the cows.


Seconding the importance of being DONE and stepping away. I’ve become much more aggressive about not doing work stuff (thinking about it, looking at email, texts) outside of work since quitting the burnout job.

Also, I keep thinking about how worker productivity has gone up in the past ~50 years (and probably longer). I’m probably trying to focus on shit for more hours in a day than a farmer or farmworker - they’d be working more, but (for me) it’s easier to put your hands on automatic and your brain on exhaust than to participate in meetings and read up on how to do this or that.

some forms of work are higher-temperature than others