
Keep up to date with all our updates.

  • Sensei 4.24.3


    • Ensure quiz description is displayed to the student #7669
    • Incorrect URL for edited emails #7671
    • Missing lesson status icon for “complete” status #7667
    • PHP deprecation notice when opening site editor #7668
    • Some reports not exporting all rows #7670
  • Sensei Pro 1.24.1


    • Ensure lesson preview setting takes precedence over course expiration
    • Deprecation notices on PHP 8.2
    • Missing translations for interactive blocks
  • Sensei 4.24.2


    • Improve email templates security


    • Pass checks argument to sensei_can_user_view_lesson filter #7657
    • “Course Started” email is now “Course Enrolled” #7661


    • Deprecation notices on PHP 8.2 #7650
    • Custom styles for emails in preview and in sent messages #7595
    • Keep current status for a question when it is updated #7603
    • Prevent lesson loading error in Learning Mode for themes that are using referenced styles #7658
    • Remove limit from report export #7647
    • Set default names for modules without titles when saving course in the course tour #7652
    • Replace “Continue to next lesson” with “Back to lesson” CTA in quiz when lesson is last in course #7642
    • Register blocks to make their translations available in the editor #7643
    • Tour modal tooltip visibility #7653
  • Sensei 4.24.1


    • Improve security for lessons and modules ordering


    • Avoid creating a new translation if it exists already #7609
    • Change some taxonomy capabilities to fix some behaviors #7613
    • Contact teacher form not displaying correctly in Learning Mode #7610
    • Register Sensei LMS custom post types without delay #7607
    • Support “0” or other falsy values as an answer for a quiz question #7614
  • Sensei Pro 1.24.0


    • Sanitize user’s display name


    • Add support for VideoPress block on video integrations
    • Fix students’ last activity date in Groups
    • Sell course with woocommerce tour not appearing
    • Show Groups in menu only for admins