Banner o Brunei

The naitional banner o Brunei wis adoptit on September 29, 1959 when the kintra wis a Breetish protectorate, an wis retained when the kintra gained full unthirldom on Januar 1, 1984, as Brunei Darussalam (State o Brunei, Abode o Peace). The banner haes the Crest o Brunei in the centre, on a yellae field. The field is cut bi black an white diagonal stripes, awtho thay are offeecially cawed parallelograms.

The coat o airms is as follaes: a crescent (seembolising Islam) joined wi a parasol (seembolising monarchy), an twa gloves on baith sides. Belaw the crescent is a ribbon. On the crescent an ribbon are Arabic inscriptions translatin as "State o Brunei, Abode o peace" an Brunei's motto, "Aaways in service wi God's guidance"

In Sootheast Asie, yellow is tradeetionally the colour o royalty, an the ryal staundarts o Malaysie an Thailand, alang wi the presidential banner o Indonesie, an aa uise a yellae field.

Black an white stripes represent Brunei's chief meenisters, an yellae represents the Sultan o Brunei. The naitional emblem wis placed in the center in 1959. A seemilar version o this banner, athoot the coat o airms, wis first uised in 1906. The coat o airms bears a crescent seembolic o the Islamic faith, an the central mast is a seembol o the state. The banner an umbrella are seembols o ryalty, an the upturned haunds signify the benevolence o the govrenment. The Arabic motto on the crescent translates as, Aaways render service bi God's guidance. Belaw it, a scroll bears the inscription Brunei Darussalam, the kintra's offeecial title, meanin Ceety o Peace.

Sultanate (later Protectorate) of Brunei up to 1906
Sultanate (later Protectorate) of Brunei up to 1906
Protectorate of Brunei, 1906-1959
Protectorate of Brunei, 1906-1959

Freemit airtins
