Turning Questions Into Insights

Welcome to Statista Q

We are Statista's full-service market research and analytics department for your individual questions.

We empower you to make decisions with greater confidence by providing insights and tailored recommendations through cutting-edge data analysis and market research.

Welcome to Statista Q

We are Statista’s full-service market research and analytics department for your individual questions. We empower you to make decisions with greater confidence by providing insights and tailored recommendations through cutting-edge data analysis and market research.

Online- & In-person Surveys
Individual- & Expert Interviews
Focus Groups & Online Communities

Market Research

As an international full-service market research institute, we can generate answers for questions concerning your customers, your brand and your offering. Every year, we conduct over one million interviews worldwide and collect and analyze extensive data for our national and international clients. Our market research experts will be happy to advise you on which study design is best suited to achieving your goals.

Online- & In-person Surveys
Individual- & Expert Interviews
Focus Groups & Online Communities

Market Research

As an international full-service market research institute, we can generate answers for questions concerning your customers, your brand and your offering. Every year, we conduct over one million interviews worldwide and collect and analyze extensive data for our national and international clients. Our market research experts will be happy to advise you on which study design is best suited to achieving your goals.

Data Analytics

As a data analytics provider, we excel in analyzing diverse data sources, including metadata, reviews, geodata, and text data. Our expertise in big data and explorative data analysis empowers organizations to gain a competitive edge by identifying trends and predicting market movements, even in non-transparent markets. Together, we’ll tackle the challenge of making this data usable, regardless of its origins, formats, resolutions, or quality.

Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing
Web Scraping & Geodata Analysis
Big Data- & Exploratory Data Analysis
Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing
Web Scraping & Geodata Analysis
Big Data- & Exploratory Data Analysis

Data Analytics

As a data analytics provider, we excel in analyzing diverse data sources, including metadata, reviews, geodata, and text data. Our expertise in big data and explorative data analysis empowers organizations to gain a competitive edge by identifying trends and predicting market movements, even in non-transparent markets. Together, we’ll tackle the challenge of making this data usable, regardless of its origins, formats, resolutions, or quality.

Capitalise on these trends with Statista Q

Stay ahead of the game and outpace your competitors by embracing the latest consumer trends of 2024. In the dynamic landscape of business, it’s crucial to adopt innovation proactively to secure your position as an industry leader.

As a full-service market research and analytics provider, Statista Q helps clients utilize these trends to their full potential.

Part of

Your partner for data-driven success

Customized research, strategy and design projects

Transforming data into design

Data-driven editorial research with simple, impactful visuals

Recognizing the Best

Create and market company and brand top lists

Quick and compelling answers

Customized research results within 48 hours

Innovating for the data-driven economy

Long-standing strategy expertise

What is your question?