Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari Welcome Son Jaxon Wyatt

"Welcome Jaxon Wyatt Cutler 7 lbs., 11 oz. 5/7/14," the reality star announced via Instagram.

Jay Cutler Kristin Cavallari Welcome Son Jaxon Wyatt

Jeff Schear/WireImage

The latest Cutler cutie has arrived.

Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari welcomed their second son on Wednesday, May 7 in Chicago, the reality star turned designer announced via Instagram.

“Welcome Jaxon Wyatt Cutler 7 lbs., 11 oz. 5/7/14,” Cavallari, 27, captioned a photo of her hospital bracelet perched on a baby hat and booties.

The newest addition joins big brother Camden Jack, 21 months, at home.

“The second time around, you know exactly what to expect and we’re just ready,” Cavallari told PEOPLE recently.

“This one, I’m like, ‘Let’s get him out here, I want to see him, I just want to hold him and see what he looks like.’ I’m just really excited more than anything.”

Cavallari and her Chicago Bears quarterback husband, 31, had announced the pregnancy in October, then shared the sex of the baby in February.

“Jay’s such an amazing dad,” she says of Cutler. “He’s really sweet with Camden. He plays with him all the time. He’s on the floor with him rolling around and goofing off.”

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— Sarah Michaud with reporting by Jennifer Garcia

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