Dear Abby

Dear Abby

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Dear Abby: My brother has a life-ruining secret – should I tell his fiancee?

Dear Abby advises an estranged sister who wants to inform her brother's fiancee about his past as an abuser.

Dear Abby: I confronted my mom about her affair and she told me to go to therapy

Dear Abby advises a woman who confronted her mother about having an affair.

Dear Abby: I'm a man in good shape — I can't find hot and fit women to date me

Dear Abby advises a fitness aficionado about his dating woes.

Dear Abby: My internet boyfriend is 30 years younger than me — I'm afraid he won't like what he sees in person

Dear Abby advises a woman whose skeptical about continuing her relationship with her younger boyfriend.

Dear Abby: I don't want my son to marry his shrew of a girlfriend

DEAR ABBY: My son is engaged to a girl we all love, but recently, there's been an issue. My husband was at their house while my son's fiancee was finishing...

Dear Abby: My boyfriend's sister is a helicopter mom and ruining her son

Dear Abby advises a woman about her soon-to-be sister in law's helicopter parenting.

Dear Abby: My partner's adult daughter is trying to keep us from dating

Dear Abby gives advice to a widow who started a relationship with her widower neighbor — until his grown daughter decided to put an end to it.

Dear Abby: I hid my husband's death from his mother

Dear Abby advises a wife who didn't tell her mother-in-law that her son died.

Dear Abby: My friend ended our friendship because I was dating a married man

Dear Abby advises a woman whose friend cut her off because she was dating a married man.

Dear Abby: My boyfriend hates that I won't quit my job to watch his violent mom

Dear Abby advises a woman who didn't want to move in with her boyfriend due to his mother's dementia.

Dear Abby: My daughter intentionally ruins holidays with fake fights

Dear Abby advises a woman whose daughter who starts fights with her sisters.

Dear Abby: My middle-aged wife wants to go clubbing with people in their 20s

Dear Abby gives advice to a husband who feel uncomfortable when he goes out to dance clubs with his wife and her friends.

Dear Abby: My brother-in-law sexually assaulted me — and my family is blaming me

Dear Abby advises a sister whose brother-in-law sexually assaulted them.

Dear Abby: My boyfriend's ex-wife is too close for comfort, I want him to put me first

Dear Abby counsels a woman whose boyfriend is still close with his ex-wife and a grandmother being asked to do too much childcare.

Dear Abby: My son in law is keeping me from my grandchildren over an argument

Dear Abby weighs in on a disrupted family, a woman who has given up on having children and a friend who ended up being a user.

Dear Abby: My stepdaughter's now an adult — and I want to date her

Dear Abby advises a stepfather who has fallen in love with his now-grown stepdaughter.

Dear Abby: My husband's personality changed for the worst when he quit abusing drugs

Dear Abby advises a woman who hates her husband's new mean personality.

Dear Abby: My stepmom encourages my disabled elderly dad to drive even though he shouldn't

Dear Abby advises a daughter who wants the keys taken from her elderly father.

Dear Abby: I'm unattractive — my hot friends need to stop pretending I'm not

DEAR ABBY: I am not, and never will be, an attractive female. I accept this, and I'm OK with the fact that men don't find me attractive. My issue is,...

Dear Abby: My father was a hoarder, now my husband has started his own clutter

Dear Abby weighs in on a woman whose husband has continued her father's hoarding habits and a grandmother who feels she is taken for granted.