
Johann Caspar Nepomuk Scheuren - Study of a Tree, watercolor




ā€˜Untitled (Door)ā€™. From the series, A Shadow at the Edge of Every Moment of the Day. Ida Pimenoff. 2010.


For the ask game: 44, 45, 48!

44. Ever had a gif become a meme? Would you like that if you havenā€™t

nooo not really? i donā€™t tend to gif ā€˜funnyā€™ things so that at least hasnā€™t happened yet, but unless i was very sure about the funniness i think i would probably hate inadvertently making a meme post lmao

45. Ever gotten hate over a set

i donā€™t think so, other than the usual ā€œi wish this gifset had x instead of yā€ sort of tags that are more annoying than hateful, or like people hating on the content which i usually donā€™t mind unless itā€™s just lies or something

48. How would you describe your giffing style

hmm! i donā€™t even know. i like bold and rich colors, leaning toward dark palettes. and i like balance in the composition of the frames with interesting movement. when iā€™m deciding what to gif i try to think if itā€™ll be pretty and if itā€™ll be interesting, and if itā€™s not one or both already, can i make it both. but thatā€™s not really a style lol