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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Xanadu.

Zannaduu is a star system located in the Triangle sector of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants.

History and specifics[]

Zannaduu was located at the furthest end of the Triangle from Federation space, near the Thisisit, Bandage and Eternity systems. It was found between the border of the Klingon Empire and regions controlled by the Mantiev Colonial Association. Founder Terrok Farley named it after Zannaduu, his first successful breeding horse. (FASA RPG module: The Triangle)

The Zannaduu system's orbit was the site of a number of planets, including fourth planet Zannaduu IV. (FASA RPG module: Conflict of Interests)

The fourth planet was its only class M world. (FASA RPG module: The Triangle)

System makeup[]

Zannaduu system primary star



The Triangle
Systems and planets 34 Kraol (34 Kraol III) • Aarra (Aarris) • Actonn • Agiirrat (Lantos) • Akers (Akers IV) • Altharra (Altharra IV) • Archibald (Archibald II) • B'Lev (B'Lev I) • Baker's World • Bandage • Beta Origii • Broz • Bu'Uli Tev (Bu'Uli Tev III) • Canchika • Carwile's World • Chak • Chaniviev • Ch'Lestam VIII • Colil V • Comstock • Currie • Cyclopus • D'Kornam III • D'Latta IV • Derigo • Deerlam • Devotion • Doo III • Epliey • Essaian system (Essai) • Eternity • Farkin • Fan'Cam X • Flitner V • Flood • Fooled Again • Fountainworld • Freeloader • Freeman's Port • Gamon • Ganarra III • Geisling • Gibraltar • Green • H'Lass • Hadalib V • Haven • Hoot • Iovine • Jav VII • Jemison • Jonny's Retreat • K'Kaarr • K'Linsann • K'Tazza VII • K'Tinnam II • Kachtulla VII • Kallendeva • Kannaga • Kinarra • Kuurg Durl IV • Laflin • Lakeland • Laldan VI • Lanroche VIII • Lasustelvan VI • Lazarra IV • Lendis Wavamm III • M'Lavolem • Mandukisivas • Mantiev • Marram IX • Martin's Star III • Mattarra III • Maze • Meadow • Merimee • Morning Garden • Mraarda • Mrang I • Navassa V • New New Aberdeen • New Paradise • New Sahara • New Siberia • Newlin III • Niic IV • Nicolii • North Pasadena • Overlinn • Passarra's Dream • Paxton III • Paxton IV • Penchan II • Pluuh II • Precipice • Polin • Qurellet III • R'Limam VIII • R'O II • Rashile • Remfry • Renarvasam • Ribald Quest • Rockhaven • Satterfeld • Schneiter • Sinnaway (Thisisit) • Stork's Rest • T'Vant (T'Vant VI) • Takanarra (Takanarra II) • Tannine • Turbulence • Turningpoint • Veneradt (Veneradt III) • Verianne (Verianne III) • Wall • Workday • Yel'Camac • Yeartes • Zannaduu (Zannaduu IV) • Zwaalan the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image. Triangle icon image.
space station outposts Defense Outposts 102 • 524 • 665 • 780 • 797 Federation icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (Z)
Z-Micron III • Zaahm • Zaboth • Zadar • Zadir • Za'faran • Zalara • Zaldon • Zamam • Zamorda • Zanba • Zan'dreth • Zaniah • Zannaduu • Zantak • Zanti • Zan'vadi • Zardana • Zarkiam • Zarlioz • Zarral • Zarsiol • Zaruban • Zarus Thustra • Zarziuk • Zastellion • Zathrok • Zat'zek • Zau'rek • Zavadex • Zaxx'n • Zemica • Zenna • Zedadex • Zed'pek • Zela • Zelda • Zelva • Zemna • Zemvora • Zentarian system • Zeon Minor • Zerliur • Zeron • Zerrak • Zersur • Zerzux • Zeta-10 Scorpii • Zeta Alpha • Zeta Antaras • Zeta Centauri • Zeta Dori • Zeta Geminorum • Zeta Hydra 281 • Zeta Kiladen • Zeta Loris • Zeta Maximus • Zeta Minoris • Zeta Niobe • Zeta Orionis • Zeta Paor • Zeta Riguli • Zeta Stentor • Zeta Tau Nu • Zetar • Zetli • Zevarus • Zhamur • Zhraad • Ziakk • Zildira • Zimorda • Zimra • Zindar system (Zindar • Za'faran) • Zior'ivara • Zipidex • Ziren • Ziron • Zirvek • Ziti'tara • Zitron • Zivara • Znapor • Zol'vara • Zolron • Zonu • Zorga • Zorkiam • Zorn • Zornaz • Zoron • Zorral • Zotor • Zova Rhen • Zovox • Zorziuk • Zozalin • Zu Daraan • Zucona • Zukerat • Zumun • Zuraga • Zuror • Zuynan • Zytchin Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (Z) Zaran • Zaria • Zenstala • Zeta Aquilae • Zeta Aurigae • Zeta Boötis • Zeta Herculis • Zeta Microscopii • Zeta Perseus • Zeta Sagittarii • Zeta Serpentis Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (Z) Zakdorn • Zaurak • Zavijava • Zeta Cancri • Zeta Eridani • Zeta Fornacis • Zeta Leonis • Zeta Leporis • Zeta Pictoris • Zeta Reticuli (Zeta-2 Reticuli) • Zeta Trianguli Australis • Zeta Volantis • Zibal • Zosma • Zuben • Zubenhakrabi Beta Quadrant icon image.

