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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Wrath of the Prophets is a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel by Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman and Robert Greenberger. It was published in April 1997. Major Kira works with Maquis leader Ro Laren when a disease hits the people of Bajor. Captain Sisko enlists Quark to investigate an Orion connection to the disease.


From the back cover
When a fatal disease spreads over Bajor, threatening the entire planet with extinction, Captain Sisko must accept aid from an unexpected source: Ro Laren, Starfleet officer turned Maquis renegade. Major Kira and Ro reluctantly join forces to track the alien plague to its source — even as the disease claims new victims on Deep Space 9 itself. Doctor Bashir struggles to find a cure, but the secret of the virulent invader may hide deep in the shadows of Dax's past.



Julian Bashir • Benzar Okrin • Calculanthra • Comvic Cam • Jadzia Dax • Eisenman • Elim Garak • Gnome • Michael Hagen • Halkarm • Keree Lawr • Kestralnamen • Kira Nerys • Tony Kwiatkowski • Manimoujak • Morn • Nodogascur • Ompar Tenzil • Keiko O'Brien • Miles O'Brien • Molly O'Brien • Odo • Orser • Quark • Ro Laren • Rom • Sandon • Shakaar • Benjamin Sisko • Jake Sisko • Tres • Varis Sul • Winn • Yamaguchi • Zeber • unnamed Denebian • unnamed Pandrilite • unnamed Rythrian • unnamed Skelarian
Referenced only
Arrenya • Bareil • Buck Bokai • Croesus • Dax (symbiont) • Curzon Dax • Lela Dax • Fola Mirax • Benjamin Maxwell • Milayn • Nareeya • Nog • Jean-Luc Picard • Babe Ruth • Joseph Sisko • Sejup • Tabatch • Tensata • Tobar • Wiley • Kasidy Yates • Cy Young


Bajor • Bajoran Chamber • Deep Space 9 • Gnago Island • Mephil Trantos • Mount Kataba • Operations center • The Place • Promenade • Quark's • Replimat • Sorshaq • Tindar • Wardroom
Referenced only
Andevian II • Cabrius Prime • Culpidus • Ducoa • Earth • Gallitep labor camp • Mexal • New Orleans • Red Sea • Troy • Vulcan

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Defiant (Defiant-class) • Laslapadil (Orion raider) • runabout
Referenced only
USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class) • Ferengi freighter

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Bajoran • Bolian • Changeling • Denebian • Ferengi • Human (Terran) • Lurian • Orion • Pandrilite • Rythrian • Skelarian • Tellarite • Trill • Yridian
Referenced only
Anderian • Andevian • Benzite • Bimenion • Cardassian • Gorn • Hanipharri • Klingon • Maratekkan • Metileusan • Moborite • Prophets • Romulan • Vulcan

States and organizations[]

Bajoran Militia • Bajoran Provisional Government • Maquis • Navot • Paqu • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Bajoran High Council • Circle • Dominion • Gorn Hegemony • Shakaar resistance cell • Starfleet Command • Trill Council

Science and classification[]

air • animal • atmosphere • biofilter • black hole • blaster rifle • bomb • brain • cloaking device • combination lock • computer • computer link • disruptor • DNA • energy orb • gravity generator • helix • light • lobe • lung • micro-laser • microbe • ODN juncture • Orion energy orb • phaser • plague • regulator node • replicator (standard replicator model 21A) • space • space station • star • starship • transmission device • triggering device • warp core • white blood cell • Wrath of the Prophets

Occupations and titles[]

bartender • bureaucrat • captain • dabo girl • Emissary of the Prophets • engineer • First Minister • kai • major • Nagus • officer • Orion slave girl • prelate • scientist • tetrarch • vedek • waiter • waitress

Other references[]

Bajoran-Cardassian Treaty • bar • baseball • baseball bat • black market • blockade • broccoli • chair • credit • dabo • day • Earther • economy • Ferengi Rules of Acquisition • food • ginseng tea • G'nerra juice • government • Greek • hangar bay • Hanipharri brandy • hot sauce • ice cream • joke • kayaking • latinum • leave of absence • Louisville Slugger • music • Occupation of Bajor • planet • Pluffa sponge • raktajino • red wine • rinta • robe • rokeg blood pie • Scandavian Sunset • sidewalk • song • stockade • suicide • targ • Tarkalean tea • tavern • titanium • transport container • tree • Venn'ga frond • wing-slug • Yankee pot roast • year


Related media[]

  • Varis Sul, as well as the Paqu and the Navot, had previously appeared in "The Storyteller".
  • Kira recalls the aliens who took the appearances of Buck Bokai, among others, in "If Wishes Were Horses".
  • Kai Winn recalls the events of "In the Hands of the Prophets", "The Circle" and "The Siege".
  • In chapter 3, Keiko O'Brien and Molly return from the agrobiology expedition on Bajor which began in "The House of Quark" only to go to another expedition one day later. Keiko will eventually return pregnant in "Accession".
  • In the novel Kira goes on a mission together with Ro Laren and they don't get along because Kira resents the fact that Ro joined Starfleet and abandoned Bajor during its occupation. In Chapter 5 they discuss the possibility that Ro could have ended up in Kiras place: Kira looked at her. "Ro Laren on Deep Space Nine instead of me. That's laughable." This is a nod to the fact that Ro was originally planned to be part of the main cast of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine instead of Nana Visitor as Kira but Michelle Forbes turned down the role.





published order
Previous novel:
The Tempest
DS9 numbered novels Next novel:
Trial by Error
Previous novel:
The Captain's Daughter
Novels by:
Peter David
Next novel:
House of Cards
Previous novel:
Novels by:
Michael Jan Friedman
Next novel:
Her Klingon Soul
Previous novel:
The Romulan Stratagem
Novels by:
Robert Greenberger
Next novel:
Doors Into Chaos
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Pocket Next Adventure:
Non Sequitur
Previous Adventure:
Deep Space Nine Adventures Next Adventure:
The Way of the Warrior

External links[]
