Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Unroth was a class F white star in Romulan Star Empire space in the Beta Quadrant, in the Onias Sector. (ST reference: Star Charts)

The Unroth system could be visually seen from Space Station KR-3. In 2311, Elias Vaughn stood in front of a viewport on the space station and tested his memory, naming all the major stars he could see in Romulan space. (TLE novel: Serpents Among the Ruins)

Unroth contains at least four planets, including Unroth III. (ENT novel: The Good That Men Do; ST video game: Infinite)

In ST video game: Infinite, the Unroth system has randomly either 4 or 5 planets.

The Unroth system was close to the border between the Star Empire and the Cardassian Union during the Dominion War. In late 2375, Weyoun and Thot Gor planned a Dominion attack on the system when it was discovered the Romulan long-range sensor array there was being repaired. (DS9 episode: "Strange Bedfellows")

In 2409, the Tal Shiar governed the system and maintained a space station near Unroth III. (STO mission: "Enemy Action")



Romulan stars and star systems
1 Centauri • 12 Canum Venaticorum • 123 Trianguli (123 Trianguli A • 123 Trianguli B) • 128 Trianguli (128 Trianguli A • 128 Trianguli B) • 139 Persei (139 Persei A • 139 Persei B) • 17 Circini • 34 Aquarii • 6 Arietis • 74 Tauri • 78.56/3.54/23.44 • 8 Canum Venaticorum • Abraxas • Achernar • Acrux • Aerimea • Aesir • Aesuri • Agurtha • Ain • Alatum • Algorab • Alpha Aquarii • Alpha Canum Venaticorum • Alpha Chamaeleonis • Alpha Circini • Alpha Eridani • Alpha Hydri • Alpha Onias • Alpha Pictoris • Alpha Volantis • Altanea • Arachnae • Artaleirh • Argentomea • Atrius • Avior • Belak system • Berak • Bestari • Beta Arietis • Beta Canum Venaticorum • Beta Reticuli • Beta Volantis • Biruin • B'lev • Blys • Brenott • Brutus • Buqret • Bu'uli Tev • Caerulum • Carraya • Chaltok • Chara • Cillers • Constina • Cor Caroli • Corill • Corvus system • D'deridex • Dasha Verta • Dauouuy • Davidul • Delta Corvi • Delta Hydri • Delta Phoenicis • Delta Velorum • Demos • Devoras • Devorren • Dewa • Didacti • Dixiak • D'Korin • Draken • Drovna • Dumok'azen • Eisn binary system (Eisn • Eisn B) • Ennar • Epsilon Carinae • Epsilon Phoenicis • Epsilon Tauri • Eta Antliae • Eta Corvi • Eta Crucis • Eta Horologii • Eta Tauri • Eye of Grun • Eye of Ket-Cheleb • Fang'kor • Farlorn • Felussus • Ferraria • Gacrux • Gaius • Galorndon Core • Gamma Crateris • Gamma Crucis • Gamma Mensae • Gamma Tucanae • Garadius • Gasko • Geilod • Gentara • Geries • Glintara • Gorat • Gotanna • Gotara • Gradientes • Haakona • Hobus • Hoover • Huebr • Hybera • i Centauri • Iota Carinae • Iota Hydri • Isip • Izanagi • Jaq • Jenjor • Jeuaiei • Jezerek • Justarus • Kaisu • Kapor'At • Kappa Tucanae • Karnas • Kavka • Ke Kwanus • Kerxiek • Ket-cheleb binary system (Ket-cheleb A • Ket-cheleb B) • Kevratas • Khazara system • Kir • Kolbr HaFul • Koltiska • Korvat • Kraatu • Krotar • Lambda Crateris • Langus • Lempo • Leughon • Llorrac • Lloyd • Mada • Makar • Medusa system • Melik • Menkent • Mewudoh • Mira Maj • Miridian • Mu Horologii • Mu Velorum • Nabok • Nasturta • Nequencia • New Otha • Nipaj • Novak • Nu Octantis • Oppidum Frumenti • Ossec • Otha Prime • Pallor • Parka • Paxar • Peren • Pi Mensae • Pictae • Pollus • Posel • Praorum • Prosenna • Psi Velorum • Quatel • Rana Nur • Rator • Redansk • Regulus • Rho Tucanae • Rho Virginis • Rikel • Robeton • Romii system • Romulus (Romulus A • Romulus B) • Rooth • Rosec • Roulean • Ruchbah • Salieh • Samnar • Sandal • Sankrax • Santora • Sar'kell • Sheratan • Sines • Soltaris • Stagnimea • Stelam Deletham • Sufiday • Stelam Rom'lnz binary system (Stelam Rom'lnz A • Stelam Rom'lnz B) • Strezhi • Talvath • Talon • Tandorian • Tasha • Tauro-34 • Tegedaar • Teranth • Terix/Terix • Terminimurus • Teutil • Theta Centauri • Tigelis • Tikelis • Timore • T'Met • Torek • Tranome Sar • Tufem • Umbrios • Unroth • Ustullan • Vendor • Vendus A • Vertilia • V'varia • Wauoxic • Xhuj • Xi Hydrae • Yadalla • Yagra • Yatil • Zarziuk • Zaxx'n • Zeta Trianguli Australis • Zeta Pictoris • Zeta Volantis • Zevarus • Zova Rhen Romulan Empire icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (U)
Udarian • UFC 522 • UFC 611 • UFC 892 • UFC 8177 • UFC 9364 • UFC 78856 • UFC 257704 • Ukeb • Ukdah • Uldok • Uleb • Ulira • Ulkeus • Ullion • Ulra • Ulrex • Ultara • Umeb • Unara • Uneus • Unevra • Un'rok • Untra • Unuk • Un'vadi • Upsilon Xi • Ural • Uralla • Ura'tek • Urem • Ureus • Uribella • Urisa • Urhaasi • Uronian • Ursanis • Ursula Maelstrom • Urunka • Ur'vadi • Urwyzden • Usheb • Ushi • Usteb • Utheus • Ux'tara • Uzura • Uzvada Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (U) UFC 512 • Ultima Thule • Umoth • Unefra • Upsilon Andromedae • Upsilon Aquarii Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (U) UFC 113 • UFC 465537 • Umbrios • Una • Unroth • Ustullan Beta Quadrant icon image.


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