Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The USS Huang Zhong was an Archer-class science vessel in service to the Federation Starfleet in the 2260s decade. Its home port was Starbase 23 near the Romulan Neutral Zone in Beta Quadrant. (TOS novel: That Which Divides, ST reference: Star Charts)

Service history[]

In the year 2269, the Huang Zhong was reassigned from its patrol mission to investigate a spatial rift near planet Dolysia in the Kondaii star system. Despite being outfitted with enhanced sensor arrays, it was no match for the scientific capabilities of a Constitution-class starship, and was to be relieved by the Enterprise.

While undertaking scans, the Huang Zhong triggered an ancient defense system which caused the ship to crash land on the planetoid, Gralafi, on the other side of the rift. Most of the crew, including Captain Ronald Arens, were killed in the crash. Among the senior officers, only science officer Lieutenant Samuel Boma survived. (TOS novel: That Which Divides)




Archer-class starships
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. ArcherArjunaArtemisBowmanHuang ZhongKyūdōLocksleyLongbowMontanaSagittariusTauriel Seal of the Federation Starfleet.


  • The USS Huang Zhong is named after Huang Zhong, a Chinese general from the late Eastern Han Dynasty.