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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Search.


From the front cover
The novelization of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's incredible two-part premiere!
From the back cover
The Dominion: The mysterious rulers of the worlds on the other side of the wormhole. The Dominion: a ruthless planet-conquering race unknown even to those they rule. The Dominion: the most dangerous foe the Federation may ever face.
At the edge of the wormhole, the space station Deep Space Nine and the planet Bajor sit on what will be the front line in any Dominion attack. To try and prevent the conflict, Commander Benjamin Sisko and his crew take a never-tested Federation warship through the wormhole to track down and confront the Dominion. If Commander Sisko fails, not only the Federation, but the Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, and all the worlds of the Alpha Quadrant will face an interstellar war they cannot win.


Sisko and the crew take a new starship into the Gamma Quadrant to contact the Founders of the Dominion.



Part I characters[]

Julian Bashir • Jadzia Dax • Michael Eddington • Female Changeling • Kira Nerys • Taylor Moore • Miles O'Brien • Odo • Ornithar • Quark • Benjamin Sisko • Jake Sisko • T'Rul
Referenced only
Curzon Dax • Rom • Jennifer Sisko • Zek

Part II characters[]

Julian Bashir • Borath • Broik • Jadzia Dax • Michael Eddington • Female Changeling • Elim Garak • Jones • Kira Nerys • Alynna Nechayev • Miles O'Brien • Odo • Quark • Benjamin Sisko • Jake Sisko • Rita Tannenbaum • T'Rul
Referenced only

Novelization characters[]

Julian Bashir • Borath • Jadzia Dax • Paul Eddington • Eris • Female Changeling • Elim Garak • Jod • Kira Nerys • M'rak • Alynna Nechayev • Keiko O'Brien • Miles O'Brien • Odo • Ornithar • Quark • Benjamin Sisko • Jake Sisko • T'Rul
Referenced only
Benedict Arnold • King Arthur • Curzon Dax • Helen of Troy • Judas Iscariot • Thomas Jefferson • Molly O'Brien • Rom • Jennifer Sisko • Walt Whitman • Zek


Alpha Quadrant �� Bajoran wormhole • Callinon • Callinon VII • Callinon relay station • Deep Space 9 • Founder homeworld • Gamma Quadrant • Karemma • Omarion Nebula • Operations center • Promenade • Quark's • Replimat • Station commander's office • Wardroom
Referenced only
Africa • Bajor • Bajoran arctic • Camus II • Cardassia • Dublin • Earth • Earth colonies • France • Ireland • Istanbul • New Bajor • New Paris colony • Paris • Rigel system • Romulus • San Francisco • Starfleet Headquarters • Thomas Jefferson Memorial Rose Garden

Starships and vehicles[]

Danube-class runabout • USS Defiant (Defiant-class escort) • USS Leeds (Nebula-class explorer) • Jem'Hadar fighter • Shuttle 01 (Type-18 shuttlepod)
Referenced only
Bismarck • Galaxy-class starship • USS Lexington • USS Mekong • USS Odyssey • USS Orinoco • USS Rio Grande

Races and cultures[]

Bajoran • Bolian • Cardassian • Changeling • Ferengi • Human • Jem'Hadar • Karemma • Romulan • Trill • Vorta
Referenced only
Borg • Klingon • Prophets • Tholian • Vulcan

Science and classification[]

Technology and weapons[]

airlock • antigravity gurney • antiproton beam • cloaking device • docking clamp • escape pod • holosuite • phaser bank • quantum torpedo • replicator • warp nacelle

States and organizations[]

Bajoran Militia • Dominion • Founders • Great Link • Romulan Star Empire • Starfleet • Starfleet Security • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Bajoran Provisional Government • Bajoran Resistance • Cardassian Central Command • Federation Council • Hundred • Nazi • Starfleet Command

Other references[]

admiral • analgesic • antibiotic • Arbazan vulture • Bajoran religion • battle cruiser • battle drill • battle simulation • bean • blood • catalpa bush • chain of command • coffee • coffeehouse • collision course • concentration camp • Constitution history • Cupid • dabo • Defiant history • dirak • dumpling • Enterprise history • escort • evasive maneuvers • fern • frigate • Grand Nagus' staff • gravy • holodeck • Hood history • hull breach • I'danian spice pudding • International Space Station • ivy • kahlua • Klingonese • latinum • limestone • mica • monoform • moonflower • multiphasic shield generator • No Second Troy • Occupation of Bajor • Odo's pail • phaser • photosynthesis • polyduranium • potato • prototype • ribbongrass • rogue planet • sedum • science officer • shale • shield perimeter • solid • stargazer lily • Starfleet commission • subcommander • subspace variance • SWAT • synthale • synthehol • telekinesis • Thursday • tricorder • tulaberry wine • warship • water • witchcraft • World War II • Yoruba mask


Related media[]


  • The USS Defiant (and the Defiant class) makes it first appearance in the series, as do the Romulans and Deep Space 9's wardroom.
  • Eddington makes his first appearance in "The Search, Part I", where he introduces himself as Michael Eddington. However, his first name is given as Paul in the novelization. Ron Moore named Eddington after Kirk Douglas's character (Paul Eddington) in the film In Harm's Way. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion)
  • The new style combadge makes its first on-screen appearance in the series after it was designed for Star Trek: Generations. As the first episode[s] of 2371, the current insignia (the arrowhead in front of a rectangular bar) debuted here. TNG novel: Intellivore occurred prior to The Search, but the older insignia was still in use during that novel.

Notable cast and crew[]


Novelization images[]

Episode images[]

Part I episode images[]
Part II episode images[]



published order
Previous novel:
DS9 novelizations Next novel:
The Way of the Warrior
Previous episode:
The Jem'Hadar
DS9 episode produced Next episode:
The House of Quark
Previous episode:
The Jem'Hadar
DS9 episode aired Next episode:
The House of Quark
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Pocket Next Adventure:
The Best and the Brightest
"Year Three", Chapters 7-9
Previous Adventure:
The Second Artifact
Second Interlude
Deep Space Nine Adventures Next Adventure:
Proud Helios

German : Die Suche, translated by Uwe Anton. (Heyne)

External links[]
