Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Starfleet Operations ("Fleet Ops") is a division of the Federation's Starfleet. Starfleet Operations is the authority for many critical facets of Starfleet's activities, including the refit and upkeep of starships. Starfleet Operations is the top-level authority for Starfleet Intelligence. (TOS - The Lost Years novels: The Lost Years, A Flag Full of Stars, Recovery; DS9 episode: "Paradise Lost"; FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual: Agent's Orientation Sourcebook)


Starfleet Operations can issue directives determining forwarded orders to other Starfleet agencies, including the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. The balance of this power is that only the President of the United Federation of Planets, the Federation Security Council, and the Admiralty are allowed to issue mandatory orders to Starfleet Operations. (TNG - A Time to... novel: A Time to Heal)

Starfleet Operations was based at Starfleet Headquarters in San Francisco. Notable Chiefs of Starfleet Operations include Admiral Mattea Hahn (circa the 2260s), Rear Admiral James T. Kirk (circa 2273), Vice Admiral James Leyton (circa 2372), and Admiral Philip Herthum (circa 2385). Other admirals assigned to Starfleet Operations include Admiral N.J. Weiland and Rear Admiral Lower Half Gregory Quinn, who was assigned to Starfleet Operations at some point following his tenure as Starfleet Academy superintendant. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Star Trek: The Motion Picture; DS9 episode: "Homefront"; TOS - Crucible novel: The Fire and the Rose; TNG - The Genesis Wave novel: The Genesis Wave, Book 1; ST novel: Articles of the Federation)


When the USS Enterprise lost a warp nacelle in a cataclysm at Talin IV, Starfleet Operations was one of a half-dozen agencies of Starfleet that offered analysis on safely removing the ship from the collapsed warp field in Talin's orbit. (TOS novel: Prime Directive)

By the late 24th century, Starfleet Operations was the command authority of reactivated officer-agent, Captain Kirk. When Kirk indicated in a heated discussion that he would refuse a medical order from Admiral Leonard McCoy of Starfleet Medical, McCoy stated that he would contact Operations and have an admiral from Kirk's chain of command validate the order. (TOS novel: Preserver)

In 2375, the Chief of Starfleet Operations granted a special dispensation to rename the USS São Paulo the Defiant. (DS9 episode: "The Dogs of War")




Divisions and agencies of Starfleet
Seal of the Federation Starfleet Academy • Administration • Advanced Starship Design Bureau • Advanced Technologies • ALLANGTRANS • Appeals Board • Astronomics • Bureau of Information • Bureau of Standards • Casualty Notification • Command • COMMSATTRAC • Communications • Control • Corps of Engineers • Criminal Investigative Service • Cultural Affairs • Cultural Analysis • Cultural Survey Bureau • Dental • Diplomatic protection group • Exploratory Division • GALVEGRE • Headquarters • Humanoid Resource Records • Humanoid Resources • Information • Inspector General • Intelligence • Internal Affairs • Judge Advocate General • Legal Services • Marine Corps • Materiel Supply Command • Medical • Medical Forensics • Merchant Marine • MI • Mission Operations • Navigational Research • Operations • OSHC • Orbital Operations • Propulsion Technologies • Psychological • Records • Research and Development • Regulatory • Science • Science Operations • Sector Guard • Security • Shipyards Operations • Special Security Division • Special Services • Stellar Imaging • Strategic Command • Tactical • Tactical Operations • Technical Intelligence • Technology Assessment Directorate • TechSupDiv • Temporal Integrity • Training Command Seal of the Federation Starfleet

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