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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This article is about the Starfleet space station. You may be looking for the Klingon Narendra Station (Klingon starbase).
Narendra Station

Starbase 364, also known as Narendra Station.

Starbase 364, also called Narendra Station, was a Starfleet space station in operation during the late 24th century. This starbase was situated at the edge of 2370s decade Federation space in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant, proximate to both the Romulan and Klingon Empires, as well as the Shackleton Expanse.

History and specifications[]

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow: The following content contains spoilers!

Declared fully operational in 2369 Starbase 364 received personnel and cargo delivered by the USS Oceanside. (TNG novel: Pliable Truths)

In the year 2371, the station was under the command of Admiral April Hebert. Three starships were also attached to the station at that time: the USS Thunderchild, USS Venture, and the USS Bellerophon. (Star Trek Adventures RPG modules: Living Campaign, Beta Quadrant Sourcebook)

The three starships based at Starbase 364 were assigned to explore the Shackleton Expanse. (Star Trek Adventures RPG module: The Command Division)


Starbase 364 was located in orbit of Amir II, the second planet of the Amirii system. Construction on the base began during the early 2350s, and the facility became fully operational in 2369. It was nicknamed Narendra Station in tribute to the Klingon colonists massacred by a Romulan sneak attack at the Narendra III outpost in 2344, and the heroic sacrifice of the USS Enterprise-C in defending them. The name was chosen as a sign gratitude from the Klingons, and the starbase served as an example of cooperation and friendship between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. The station's dedication ceremony took place on the 25th anniversary of the massacre, and included the unveiling of a memorial for the fallen of both the Federation and Empire. (Star Trek Adventures modules: Shackleton Expanse Campaign Guide, Utopia Planitia Sourcebook)

Both Starfleet and Klingon Defense Force personnel lived and worked on the station, pursuing both independent missions and collaborating in joint operations between their governments. Considering the station's location and relative distance from the core areas of Federation space, the station's senior staff was given broad discretionary authority to manage operations around the station and the neighboring Shackleton Expanse.

Starfleet's 20th Fleet was based out of Starbase 364, which also served as a first line of defense against threats to both the Federation and the Empire, whether from the nearby Romulan Empire, or by previously unknown entities that could potentially emerge from the unexplored Expanse. (Star Trek Adventures RPG module: Beta Quadrant Sourcebook)

During the brief Federation-Klingon War of 2372-2373, large areas of the station's interior were damaged or destroyed, both by saboteurs and "overeager warriors wishing to prove themselves." In the aftermath of the conflict, the damage was repaired by both polities, improving the station's structure and design. (Star Trek Adventures module: Utopia Planitia Sourcebook)

After the Dominion War, Narendra Station saw an expansion of its civilian areas as many first contacts were made with species in the Shackleton Expanse. (Star Trek Adventures module: Utopia Planitia Sourcebook)

Station personnel[]

In addition to Admiral Hebert, numerous Starfleet and KDF personnel, as well as civilian citizens of both the Federation and the Empire, lived on Narendra Station. The station's command crew was made up of both Starfleet and KDF officers. In the 2370s, General Kargan was the highest-ranking Klingon representative aboard the starbase, and managed day-to-day operations in conjunction with Hebert.

Approximately 60 percent of Narendra Station's crew were Klingon, as the Empire had pushed for a majority presence aboard the station, citing its proximity to their borders as a key factor. The Federation chose not to challenge the matter. The starbase's chief engineer, Lieutenant Olok, and chief medical officer, Commander N'Ria were both members of the Klingon Defense Force.

Doctor Helena Taliaferro, a renowned Federation scientist, was assigned to lead all research efforts based out of Narendra Station. Starfleet Command had wanted an officer to lead the scientific contingent, but were overruled when several Federation member worlds expressed strong objections and a desire for at least one civilian leader on the station.

Several Klingon entrepreneurs opened shops and restaurants in the station's Galleria, as did dozens of other merchants from over a hundred different species and homeworlds. (Star Trek Adventures RPG module: Beta Quadrant Sourcebook)

Assigned starships[]

In 2371, several starships were assigned to SB364 to formally explore the Shackleton Expanse. (Star Trek Adventures RPG module: Beta Quadrant Sourcebook)



Federation starbases
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Kelvin timeline K-5 • K-7 • K-4 • K-11

